logo zwanzigquadratmeter, Projektraum, Berlin

Alvar Bohrmann
in limbo
March 14th – April 12th, 2025
Opening: March 14th, 6-10pm

Alvar Bohrmann
Exhibition to be seen by appointment only

last copies to purchase at Pro qm, Motto Berlin, do you read me? & online

About a Square / ten years of site-specific exhibitions at zqm
edited by Eric Emery
published by Vexer Verlag
designed by Julie Joliat


also available on vexer verlag

This publication was enabled by the generous support of: Fondation Casino Barrière, Fondation Baccarini, Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Stadt Zürich, Canton de Vaud, ECAL - école cantonale d'art de Lausanne and Swiss Typefaces.

visit by appointment only

or on instagram #zqmberlin

zwanzigquadratmeter (zqm)
Petersburger Straße 73**
side wing, first floor
D - 10249 Berlin

/ Curatorial Team
Miriam Jesske, Jana Jarzembowski & Anselm Schenkluhn
/ Founder
Eric Emery
(c)zwanzigquadratmeter 2025

zwanzigquadratmeter (zqm) ist ein in 2007 vom französischsprachigen Schweizer Eric Emery gegründeter unabhängiger Projektraum und Künstlerresidenz mit festem Sitz in der Petersburger Straße 73, in Berlin-Friedrichshain. In deßen auf 20 qm begrenzten Räumlichkeiten werden jährlich acht bis zehn Kunstaußtellungen mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dreidimensionale, Installations- und Konzeptkunst in Form von ortßpezifischen Arbeiten produziert. Damit verbunden ist meist ein kurzer Aufenthalt in der eingebetteten Künstlerresidenz, was die kreative Auseinandersetzung zwischen Künstler und Ort zusätzlich intensiviert. Das Programm der letzten acht Jahre umfaßt über fünfzig spartenübergreifende Außtellungen (Installations- Objektkunst, Malerei, Video, Fotografie) von lokalen und internationalen Kunstschaffenden. Als fest verankerte Plattform in Berlins Kulturlandschaft besteht das Ziel von zqm darin, aufstrebende zeitgenößische Künstler zu unterstützen, indem sie eine Einzelaußtellung über einen Zeitraum von mehreren Wochen den Berliner Kunstakteuren präsentieren können. Der Projektraum versteht sich dabei als Netzwerk und Ort des Ideenaustausches zwischen Künstler und Publikum. zqm pflegt, der Herkunft seines Gründers schuldig, engen Kontakt mit der schweizerischen Kunstszene und ist gut mit Frankreich vernetzt. Das Netzwerk von zqm hat sich für viele der teilnehmenden jungen Künstler als sehr hilfreich für ihren weiteren Weg erwiesen. Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art kunst berlin art berlin zqm zwanzigquadratmeter zqm kunst artspace projectspace projektraum contemporary art kunst arte galerie gallery galery art kunst berlin Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Daniela Brugger Grégory Sugnaux Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen Chloé Delarue Ossian Fraser Anselm Schenkluhn Jan Hostettler Björn Geipel Abigail Janjic & Céline Burnand Knut Henrik Henriksen Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Christophe Sarlin Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo Simon Paccaud Kyra Tabea Balderer & Sereina Steinemann Ivan Liovik Ebel Christoph Brünggel Sarah Burger & Arik Hayut Martin Jakob Paul Limoujoux Jeewi Lee * Nicoll Ullrich Aaron Rahe Lea St. Julia Schlaak Josephine Hans Markus Kummer John Cornu Robert Barta Daniela Gugg Guillaume Bruère Marc Geneix & Sébastien Maloberti Agnès Ferla * Miguel Menezes Andreas Hochuli Sylvain Croci-Torti Claire de Quénetain Michel Bonvin Jonathan Naas Nicolas Muller Clément Laigle Delphine Reist & Laurent Faulon Fred Fischer Henrike Daum & Frederik Foert Claudia Comte & Mélodie Mousset Isabel Schmiga Jérémie Gindre Simon Deppierraz Victoria Lucas & Lucy Powell Geerten Verheus Nicolas Guiot & Guillaume Alimoussa Vanessa Niloufar Safavi Ingo Gerken Guillaume Pilet Tina Schott Daniel Kötter Luc Mattenberger Athene Galiciadis Leo ARRATIA BEER | Haleh Redjaian AUREL SCHEIBLER | David Schutter BLAIN I SOUTHERN | François Morellet BQ | Bojan Å ar?evi? BUCHMANN GALERIE | William Tucker CAPITAIN PETZEL | Laura Owens CARLIER I GEBAUER | Maria Taniguchi, Richard Mosse CONTEMPORARY FINE ARTS | Tal R, Marianne Vitale CROY NIELSEN | Olga Balema, Darja Bajagi? & Aleksander Hardashnakov DELMES & ZANDER | Adelhyd van Bender ESTHER SCHIPPER | Daniel Steegmann Mangrané GALERIA PLAN B | Navid Nuur GALERIE BARBARA THUMM | Valérie Favre GALERIE BARBARA WEISS | Thomas Bayrle, Berta Fischer GALERIE BUCHHOLZ | Isa Genzken GALERIE EIGEN + ART | Martin Eder, Ross Chisholm GALERIE GUIDO W. BAUDACH | Erik van Lieshout GALERIE ISABELLA BORTOLOZZI | Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff, Aldo Mondino GALERIE MAX HETZLER | Ida Ekblad, David Nuur GALERIE MICHAEL HAAS | Francis Picabia, Franz Gertsch GALERIE MICKY SCHUBERT | Benedicte Gyldenstierne Sehested GALERIE NEU | Klara Lidén GALERIE NORDENHAKE | Sirous Namazi GALERIE THOMAS SCHULTE | Juan Uslé, Richard Deacon GALERIJA GREGOR PODNAR | Tobias Putrih GERHARDSEN GERNER | Per Inge Bjørlo JOHANN KÖNIG | Katharina Grosse, Jeppe Hein JOHNEN GALERIE | Roman Ondák, Tino Sehgal KEWENIG | Pedro Cabrita Reis KICKEN BERLIN | Helmut Newton KONRAD FISCHER GALERIE | Giovanni Anselmo KOW | Mario Pfeifer, Renzo Martens KRAUPA-TUSKANY ZEIDLER | Daniel Keller KUNSTHANDEL WOLFGANG WERNER | Lucio Fontana, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Gotthard Graubner, François Morellet, Uli Pohl MEHDI CHOUAKRI | N. Dash MEYER RIEGGER | Rosa Barba NEUGERRIEMSCHNEIDER | Renata Lucas, Michel Majerus, Albert Oehlen & Laura Owens PERES PROJECTS | Mark Flood PSM | Daniel Jackson SOCIÉTÉ | Timur Si-Qin SPRÜTH MAGERS | Cyprien Gaillard, Marcel van Eeden SUPPORTICO LOPEZ | Athena Papadopoulos TANYA LEIGHTON | Sanya Kantarovsky VW (VENEKLASEN/WERNER) | Elliott Hundley WENTRUP | Gregor Hildebrandt WIEN LUKATSCH | Haegue Yang ?AK | BRANICKA | Agnieszka Polska, Magdalena Abakanowicz Zarouhie Abdalian Bani Abidi Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc Saâdane Afif David Chalmers Alesworth Maria Thereza Alves Carlos Amorales Andreas Angelidakis Leonor Antunes Julieta Aranda Tarek Atoui b Nairy Baghramian Bianca Baldi Patrick Alan Banfield Alberto Baraya Rosa Barba Gordon Bennett Monica Bonvicini Angela Bulloch c Zachary Cahill Mariana Castillo Deball Carolina Caycedo Center for Historical Reenactments d Tacita Dean Jimmie Durham e Michaela Eichwald g Mario García Torres Beatriz González Agatha Gothe-Snape Shilpa Gupta Cynthia Gutiérrez h Ganesh Haloi Carsten Höller i Iman Issa k Irene Kopelman l Matts Leiderstam Li Xiaofei Glenn Ligon m Goshka Macuga Santu Mofokeng n Shahryar Nashat Olaf Nicolai Otobong Nkanga p Christodoulos Panayiotou r Judy Radul Jimmy Robert s Anri Sala Slavs and Tatars Michael Stevenson Mariam Suhail Vivan Sundaram t Gaganendranath Tagore Wolfgang Tillmans Tonel v Danh Vo & Xiu Xiu w Kemang Wa Lehulere y David Zink Yi z Carla Zaccagnini A AJLART C Circle Culture Gallery circleculture gallery eröffnet in Hamburg D DUVE Berlin E EIGEN + ART eröffnet das ?Lab?, ihren neuesten Galerie-Ableger in Berlin. G Galerie 401contemporary Galerie ARNDT Galerie Kornfeld Galerie Martin Mertens Galerie Thomas Fischer Galerie Villa Köppe J Johann König Julius von Bismarck eröffnet die neue Alexander Levy Galerie. K KLEMM?S M Meyer Riegger P Peres Projects: A talk in very private with Javier Peres PSM Gallery S SAVVY Contemporary ? New space opening Sprüth Magers Sprüth Magers Concept Store Absalon Acconci, Vito Adrao, Mike Advisory Alfi, Jumaldi Arndt Arndt & Partner History ART ABU DHABI (2014) Art Basel Hong Kong... Art Basel Hong Kong... ART DUBAI (2012) ART FAIR PHILIPPINES... Art Fairs ART HK (2012) ART INTERNATIONAL... Art Stage Singapore... Artist Management Artservices ASIA: Looking South... Ay Tjoe, Christine Balkenhol, Stephan Banza, Moridja Kitenge Barredo, Gabriel Barton, Del Kathryn Baselitz, Georg Berlin - Zurich (2006) Berlin Masters (2013) Berlin Masters (2014) Beuys, Joseph Boltanski, Christian Bose, Santiago Bourgeois, Louise Bradley, Slater Breuning, Olaf Briand, Mathieu Bujnowski, Rafal Bulatov, Erik Burden, Chris Burgert, Jonas Cabangis, Zean Calle, Sophie Chevalier des Arts et... Coleman, Joe Collings-James, Phoebe Conceptual Paper (2007) Cordova, William Cruz, Jigger Darboven, Hanne de Balincourt, Jules de Beer, Sue Delvoye, Wim Demmerle, Yannick Drawing now ?... Ekel, Fendry Emin, Tracey Esquillo, Alfredo Everett, Liam Face Mind. Mind Body... Feldman, Amy Fernandez, Dex Fontana, Lucio Friedl, Peter Fruhtrunk, Günter Gade Garcia, Nona Gilbert & George Golder, Andreas Grigely, Joseph Guangyi Wang Guia, Kawayan De Hadid, Zaha Hahan Harsono, FX Hassanzadeh, Khosrow HEINZ MACK (2014) Henning, Anton Hildebrandt, Gregor Hirschhorn, Thomas Horn, Rebecca Hujar, Peter I KNOW YOU GOT SOUL... India Art Fair (2012) Indieguerillas Jaarsma, Mella Jai Inn, Mit Javier, Geraldine JIGGER CRUZ (2015) JPW3 Jules de Balincourt... JUMALDI ALFI (2014) Kabakov, Emilia and Ilya Kallat, Jitish Karadi, Kika Kessler, Jon KHADIM ALI (2015) Kippenberger, Martin Klein, Yves Knifer, Julije Kolk, Douglas Konrad, Karsten Kounellis, Jannis Kurniawan, Agung Kusama, Yayoi LaChapelle, David LAMDARK, KESANG Legaspi, Jose "Jojo" Liu Xiaodong Lévêque, Claude Mack, Heinz Made in China (2013) Majic, Marin Malluh, Maha Mantofani, Rudi Martinez, Pow Martínez Celaya, Enrique Matsuura, Keisuke McCarthy, Paul McCloud, Hugo Meckseper, Josephine Meegert, Christian Melgaard, Bjarne MIGRATION (2012) Migration Melbourne... Muhardanto, Wiyoga Muniz, Vik Muntean/Rosenblum Nathanson, Joshua Noonan, David NORTSE, (TSERING NORBU) Nugroho, Eko Oppenheim, Dennis Orr, Christopher Othoniel, Jean Michel OTTO PIENE (2015) Parr, Mike Peeters, Henk Pei-Ming, Yan Peter Friedl, Thomas... PICH, SOPHEAP Piene, Otto Pollock, Jackson Pramuhendra, J. Ariadhitya Reamillo, Alwin Remixed & Revisited:... RESOLUTION (1998) Reyle, Anselm Reyle, Anselm Richter, Daniel RIGDOL, TENZING Ritchey, Leif Riyadi, Wedhar RODEL TAPAYA (2013) Roldan, Norberto Rondinone, Ugo Rosefeldt, Julian Ruiz, Jose Tence Samba, Chéri Sanchez, Kaloy Sandison, Charles SANPITAK, PINAREE Saputra, Handiwirman SARETH, SVAY Saunders, Matt Scholl, Dennis Security Check ?... SELF-PORTRAITS (2013) SHERPA, TSHERIN Shiota, Chiharu Silent Screams... Singh, Diego Sip! Indonesian Art... Smalley, Travess Solakov, Nedko SOUTHEAST ASIA NOW!... Stadt / Land / Mensch... Submarine, Vertical Sugito, Hiroshi Sunaryo, Arin Dwihartanto Suwage, Agus Swansea, Ena Tapaya, Rodel ter Heijne, Mathilde The Aggression of... The Aggression of... The Fullness of Time... Thek, Paul Tichý, Miroslav Toderi, Grazia Torres, Tatong Tromarama Turcot, Susan Tyson, Keith Uekawa, Aya Untoro, Ugo Utarit, Natee van Eeden, Marcel van Lieshout, Erik van Woert, Nick Via Lewandowsky (2001) VIP Art Fair (2012) Wang Du (2007) Warhol, Andy Wearing, Gillian Weiner, Lawrence West, Franz Wiharso, Entang Works on paper (2005) Wulan, Syagini Ratna Xinning, Shi Yang, Jiechang Zhijie, Qiu Ziervogel, Ralf Zilm, Jeff Andy Warhol 1928-1987 US 1 ±0 48,285.14 -7,814.83 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 ES 2 ±0 31,749.25 -5,979.30 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Bruce Nauman *1941 (74) US 3 ±0 27,937.26 -4,000.81 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Joseph Beuys 1921-1986 DE 4 ±0 26,034.11 -4,451.64 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gerhard Richter *1932 (83) DE 5 ±0 25,408.72 -4,506.95 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] John Baldessari *1931 (84) US 6 ±0 21,973.19 -4,008.02 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cindy Sherman *1954 (61) US 7 +1 21,154.44 -3,682.38 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lawrence Weiner *1942 (73) US 8 -1 21,037.35 -3,853.43 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sol LeWitt 1928-2007 US 9 ±0 19,720.83 -3,593.12 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ed Ruscha *1937 (78) US 10 ±0 19,315.25 -3,625.84 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Ruff *1958 (57) DE 11 ±0 18,211.70 -3,132.89 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008 US 12 ±0 17,905.55 -3,292.61 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010 FR 13 +2 17,073.61 -2,214.35 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sigmar Polke 1941-2010 DE 14 ±0 17,028.91 -2,260.14 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Francis Alys *1959 (56) BE 15 -2 16,941.90 -2,606.13 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Georg Baselitz *1938 (77) DE 16 ±0 16,018.99 -3,063.72 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Man Ray 1890-1976 US 17 ±0 15,931.87 -2,394.62 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rosemarie Trockel *1952 (63) DE 18 +1 15,730.90 -2,484.33 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Fischli & Weiss CH 19 +1 15,443.09 -2,736.66 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Erwin Wurm *1954 (61) AT 20 +2 15,350.86 -2,216.56 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] William Kentridge *1955 (60) ZA 21 -3 15,313.00 -2,916.25 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968 FR 22 -1 15,112.72 -2,602.31 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997 US 23 +2 15,022.87 -2,143.32 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mike Kelley 1954-2012 US 24 -1 14,835.77 -2,718.57 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Serra *1939 (76) US 25 -1 14,641.08 -2,646.96 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Douglas Gordon *1966 (49) UK 26 ±0 14,553.19 -2,569.51 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Franz West 1947-2012 AT 27 +1 14,482.74 -2,494.91 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dieter Roth 1930-1998 DE, CH 28 +3 14,367.45 -1,904.65 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Wolfgang Tillmans *1968 (47) DE 29 +1 14,341.12 -2,076.45 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marina Abramovic *1946 (69) RS 30 -1 14,210.89 -2,390.81 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dan Graham *1942 (73) US 31 -4 14,190.24 -2,907.67 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hans-Peter Feldmann *1941 (74) DE 32 ±0 13,983.38 -2,204.35 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Harun Farocki 1944-2014 DE 33 +6 13,791.39 -1,601.54 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Christian Marclay *1955 (60) CH, US 34 ±0 13,704.91 -2,169.52 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Henri Matisse 1869-1954 FR 35 +3 13,537.31 -2,036.67 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ai Weiwei *1957 (58) CN 36 +4 13,473.31 -1,909.00 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Paul McCarthy US 37 -4 13,196.18 -2,705.80 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Valie Export *1940 (75) AT 38 +4 13,181.92 -2,017.84 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Damien Hirst *1965 (50) UK 39 -3 13,157.27 -2,596.45 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Olafur Eliasson *1967 (48) DK 40 -3 13,155.62 -2,497.09 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Nam June Paik 1932-2006 US, KR 41 ±0 13,088.22 -2,180.08 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Martin Kippenberger 1953-1997 DE 42 -7 12,998.18 -2,855.93 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Paul Klee 1879-1940 DE, CH 43 +1 12,970.76 -2,060.65 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Arnulf Rainer *1929 (86) AT 44 +1 12,890.86 -2,100.53 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anselm Kiefer *1945 (70) DE 45 -2 12,857.31 -2,242.20 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carl Andre *1935 (80) US 46 ±0 12,789.12 -1,969.74 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yayoi Kusama *1929 (86) JP 47 +3 12,537.01 -1,855.92 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jasper Johns *1930 (85) US 48 +7 12,528.84 -1,596.31 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marcel Broodthaers 1924-1976 BE 49 -2 12,464.02 -2,201.06 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anri Sala *1974 (41) FR, AL 50 -1 12,292.45 -2,168.45 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mona Hatoum *1952 (63) LB 51 +2 12,254.57 -1,930.73 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gordon Matta-Clark 1943-1978 US 52 +6 12,222.19 -1,786.23 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Felix Gonzalez-Torres 1957-1996 CU 53 -1 12,045.92 -2,140.78 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tacita Dean *1965 (50) UK 54 -3 12,042.18 -2,275.58 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Nan Goldin *1953 (62) US 55 -7 11,982.53 -2,521.32 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Struth *1954 (61) DE 56 -2 11,843.01 -2,303.58 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rodney Graham *1949 (66) CA 57 -1 11,670.26 -2,409.39 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Andreas Gursky *1955 (60) DE 58 -1 11,587.82 -2,452.86 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Mapplethorpe 1946-1989 US 59 ±0 11,565.60 -1,945.27 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alighiero Boëtti 1940-1994 IT 60 ±0 11,562.29 -1,889.73 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Martha Rosler *1943 (72) US 61 +3 11,547.60 -1,763.98 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jenny Holzer *1950 (65) US 62 -1 11,473.36 -1,920.68 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gabriel Orozco *1962 (53) MX 63 ±0 11,448.34 -1,888.14 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Imi Knoebel *1940 (75) DE 64 +2 11,409.26 -1,640.83 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Donald Judd 1928-1994 US 65 ±0 11,246.51 -1,915.84 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Schütte *1954 (61) DE 66 +9 11,231.66 -1,567.85 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jonathan Monk *1969 (46) UK 67 -5 11,191.61 -2,165.61 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gilbert & George UK 68 +1 11,188.42 -1,805.87 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alberto Giacometti 1901-1966 CH 69 +5 11,142.68 -1,689.02 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Josef Albers 1888-1976 DE 70 +2 11,140.04 -1,727.27 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] François Morellet *1926 (89) FR 71 ±0 11,075.88 -1,851.72 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alex Katz *1927 (88) US 72 -2 11,073.50 -1,869.83 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Max Ernst 1891-1976 DE 73 +4 11,019.05 -1,698.73 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hiroshi Sugimoto *1948 (67) JP 74 -6 11,001.83 -1,992.74 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Hockney *1937 (78) UK 75 +11 10,888.16 -1,285.51 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Prince *1949 (66) US 76 -9 10,856.11 -2,153.35 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Vasily Kandinsky 1866-1944 RU 77 +4 10,838.36 -1,661.76 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Christian Boltanski *1944 (71) FR 78 -5 10,820.85 -2,020.23 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tony Cragg *1949 (66) UK 79 +1 10,765.83 -1,828.81 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Vik Muniz *1961 (54) BR 80 -4 10,663.85 -2,054.90 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] John M Armleder *1948 (67) CH 81 -2 10,657.33 -1,960.91 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Heimo Zobernig *1958 (57) AT 82 +16 10,537.19 -1,123.43 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Claes Oldenburg *1929 (86) SE, US 83 ±0 10,530.61 -1,781.06 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Joàn Miró 1893-1983 ES 84 -6 10,522.06 -2,161.85 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lucio Fontana 1899-1968 IT, AR 85 -1 10,433.57 -1,862.25 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Hirschhorn *1957 (58) CH 86 -4 10,376.43 -1,962.27 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jeff Koons *1955 (60) US 87 -2 10,370.63 -1,890.79 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Antoni Tàpies 1923-2012 ES 88 ±0 10,343.82 -1,712.40 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dan Flavin 1933-1996 US 89 -2 10,300.67 -1,792.50 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yoko Ono *1933 (82) JP 90 -1 10,294.28 -1,740.34 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jeff Wall *1946 (69) CA 91 -1 10,246.15 -1,752.69 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alfredo Jaar *1956 (59) CL 92 ±0 10,220.39 -1,758.96 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Isa Genzken *1948 (67) DE 93 +3 10,188.97 -1,552.75 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Günther Uecker *1930 (85) DE 94 +6 10,182.04 -1,264.22 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Long *1945 (70) UK 95 -1 10,179.98 -1,762.34 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Michelangelo Pistoletto *1933 (82) IT 96 -3 10,050.87 -1,923.26 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Vito Acconci *1940 (75) US 97 -6 10,012.88 -1,984.91 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jannis Kounellis *1936 (79) IT, GR 98 +3 9,958.05 -1,430.98 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Liam Gillick *1964 (51) UK 99 -4 9,901.20 -1,937.43 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jimmie Durham *1940 (75) US 100 +5 9,848.39 -1,460.15 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kiki Smith *1954 (61) US 101 -2 9,819.47 -1,747.54 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ellsworth Kelly *1923 (92) US 102 -5 9,758.42 -1,979.94 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sherrie Levine *1947 (68) US 103 ±0 9,711.36 -1,638.90 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Salvador Dalí 1904-1989 ES 104 +5 9,592.94 -1,639.43 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sophie Calle *1953 (62) FR 105 +2 9,584.97 -1,679.31 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Daniel Buren *1938 (77) FR 106 ±0 9,530.73 -1,735.13 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Christian Jankowski *1968 (47) DE 107 +1 9,504.24 -1,754.59 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Hamilton 1922-2011 UK 108 +7 9,464.80 -1,357.51 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Candida Höfer *1944 (71) DE 109 -5 9,335.12 -1,998.22 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alexander Calder 1898-1976 US 110 -8 9,325.44 -2,044.39 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rirkrit Tiravanija *1961 (54) TH 111 +7 9,276.07 -1,387.08 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ryan Gander *1976 (39) UK 112 +12 9,274.62 -1,297.97 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Matt Mullican *1951 (64) US 113 +17 9,253.99 -1,147.87 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Claire Fontaine FR 114 +15 9,245.06 -1,183.54 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cy Twombly 1928-2011 US 115 +7 9,243.88 -1,334.02 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Raymond Pettibon *1957 (58) US 116 -6 9,217.83 -1,828.05 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] John Cage 1912-1992 US 117 -4 9,213.77 -1,660.17 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Roman Signer *1938 (77) CH 118 +1 9,212.17 -1,450.12 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jonathan Meese *1970 (45) DE 119 +6 9,207.62 -1,315.38 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Gober *1954 (61) US 120 -4 9,190.50 -1,586.51 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pipilotti Rist *1962 (53) CH 121 -10 9,073.66 -1,850.15 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Markus Lüpertz *1941 (74) DE 122 +10 9,052.37 -1,283.59 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Artschwager 1923-2013 US 123 +5 9,038.40 -1,413.96 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marlene Dumas *1953 (62) NL, ZA 124 +2 8,984.88 -1,536.81 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tony Oursler *1957 (58) US 125 -8 8,974.76 -1,688.80 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Bernd & Hilla Becher DE 126 -6 8,965.62 -1,684.30 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yves Klein 1928-1962 FR 127 -6 8,934.39 -1,665.09 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Günther Förg 1952-2013 DE 128 +3 8,931.37 -1,429.09 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Maurizio Cattelan *1960 (55) IT 129 -6 8,928.38 -1,645.91 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Frank Stella *1936 (79) US 130 -16 8,895.49 -1,954.19 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Demand *1964 (51) DE 131 -19 8,890.71 -2,025.14 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Giuseppe Penone *1947 (68) IT 132 +4 8,885.46 -1,216.29 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Louise Lawler *1947 (68) US 133 +1 8,822.47 -1,480.83 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mario Merz 1925-2003 IT 134 -7 8,821.07 -1,646.66 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pierre Huyghe *1962 (53) FR 135 +7 8,814.30 -1,086.84 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Chuck Close *1940 (75) US 136 -3 8,770.31 -1,553.01 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] On Kawara 1933-2014 JP 137 +16 8,744.76 -846.93 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anish Kapoor *1954 (61) IN 138 +14 8,632.59 -969.31 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Morris *1931 (84) US 139 +2 8,583.38 -1,317.84 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880-1938 DE 140 +3 8,553.16 -1,342.70 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] John Bock *1965 (50) DE 141 -2 8,532.07 -1,471.02 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Barbara Kruger *1945 (70) US 142 -7 8,498.36 -1,756.98 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Santiago Sierra *1966 (49) ES 143 +1 8,462.20 -1,424.99 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Walker Evans 1903-1975 US 144 +2 8,455.20 -1,321.69 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hermann Nitsch *1938 (77) AT 145 ±0 8,446.08 -1,433.81 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Max Beckmann 1884-1950 DE 146 +3 8,386.40 -1,320.71 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Joseph Kosuth *1945 (70) US 147 -7 8,332.28 -1,625.79 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Artur Zmijewski *1966 (49) PL 148 -10 8,294.22 -1,777.36 [Analysis] Bill Viola *1951 (64) US 149 -12 8,258.50 -1,827.71 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ana Mendieta 1948-1985 CU 150 +13 8,236.06 -1,067.58 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] A. R. Penck *1939 (76) DE 151 -3 8,204.16 -1,505.92 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yael Bartana *1970 (45) IL 152 +17 8,181.88 -847.61 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dennis Oppenheim 1938-2011 US 153 -7 8,154.21 -1,622.68 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dora García *1965 (50) ES 154 +1 8,130.84 -1,422.69 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Smithson 1938-1973 US 155 -1 8,114.25 -1,476.96 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Daniel Spoerri *1930 (85) CH 156 +6 8,089.60 -1,239.61 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Albert Oehlen *1954 (61) DE 157 -7 8,078.37 -1,599.34 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Elmgreen & Dragset DK, NO 158 +3 8,023.01 -1,322.45 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Tuttle *1941 (74) US 159 -3 8,019.75 -1,501.40 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Günter Brus *1938 (77) AT 160 +4 8,016.86 -1,228.37 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kara Walker *1969 (46) US 161 -4 8,002.94 -1,501.28 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Roni Horn *1955 (60) US 162 -11 7,962.59 -1,645.32 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Roman Ondák *1966 (49) SK 163 -3 7,903.06 -1,451.45 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Laszlo Moholy-Nagy 1895-1946 HU 164 +6 7,880.11 -1,110.65 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cyprien Gaillard *1980 (35) FR 165 +10 7,846.21 -953.00 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Glenn Ligon *1960 (55) US 166 +5 7,828.15 -1,107.57 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ilya Kabakov RU 167 -9 7,805.74 -1,683.21 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Allora & Calzadilla US, CU 168 -9 7,749.92 -1,682.56 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Nobuyoshi Araki *1940 (75) JP 169 -2 7,747.05 -1,371.70 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Longo *1953 (62) US 170 +3 7,717.24 -1,101.22 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Giulio Paolini *1940 (75) IT 171 +19 7,676.06 -878.11 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jim Dine *1935 (80) US 172 +7 7,652.42 -1,120.66 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Walid Raad *1967 (48) LB 173 -8 7,594.00 -1,618.20 [Analysis] Nedko Solakov *1957 (58) BG 174 -6 7,592.21 -1,447.49 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marc Chagall 1887-1985 FR, RU 175 +10 7,566.85 -1,081.23 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Danh Vo *1975 (40) DK, VN 176 +33 7,556.58 -660.75 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Franz Erhard Walther *1939 (76) DE 177 +23 7,538.73 -835.31 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Christo & Jeanne-Claude FR, BG 178 -12 7,530.44 -1,599.03 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Shirin Neshat *1957 (58) IR 179 +4 7,521.54 -1,186.78 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Matthew Barney *1967 (48) US 180 -8 7,512.11 -1,418.63 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Joan Jonas *1936 (79) US 181 -1 7,456.22 -1,307.46 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jean Arp 1886-1966 FR 182 -1 7,438.77 -1,319.11 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jörg Immendorff 1945-2007 DE 183 -5 7,418.78 -1,358.86 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Maria Lassnig 1919-2014 AT 184 +14 7,403.99 -1,033.29 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Henri Cartier-Bresson 1908-2004 FR 185 -9 7,401.30 -1,390.29 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Fernand Léger 1881-1955 FR 186 +6 7,382.56 -1,146.58 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Hammons *1943 (72) US 187 -3 7,379.25 -1,283.04 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Adrian Piper *1948 (67) US 188 -14 7,359.99 -1,439.23 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hanne Darboven 1941-2009 DE 189 -7 7,359.02 -1,373.22 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Stephan Balkenhol *1957 (58) DE 190 -13 7,354.44 -1,436.14 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Emil Nolde 1867-1956 DE 191 +35 7,349.86 -597.48 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rineke Dijkstra *1959 (56) NL 192 -6 7,311.64 -1,304.36 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Keith Haring 1958-1990 US 193 -6 7,307.13 -1,300.34 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Claerbout *1969 (46) BE 194 -1 7,277.52 -1,246.63 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Paul Cézanne 1839-1906 FR 195 +21 7,199.98 -871.57 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Diane Arbus 1923-1971 US 196 -8 7,197.75 -1,375.12 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] James Turrell *1943 (72) US 197 -3 7,192.02 -1,315.70 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] James Lee Byars 1932-1997 US 198 -9 7,182.92 -1,375.22 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jan Fabre *1958 (57) BE 199 +3 7,181.30 -1,184.65 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Willem de Kooning 1904-1997 NL 200 -9 7,174.08 -1,375.35 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Edgar Degas 1834-1917 FR 201 +13 7,126.39 -1,009.57 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tracey Emin *1963 (52) UK 202 +6 7,125.43 -1,094.20 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mircea Cantor *1977 (38) RO 203 -8 7,114.90 -1,380.77 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mark Dion *1961 (54) US 204 ±0 7,109.22 -1,199.53 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sean Scully *1945 (70) IE 205 +17 7,097.45 -925.28 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jeremy Deller *1966 (49) UK 206 -7 7,095.62 -1,298.85 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Christopher Wool *1955 (60) US 207 -4 7,085.81 -1,233.70 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Claude Monet 1840-1926 FR 208 +27 7,078.68 -767.41 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yang Fudong *1971 (44) CN 209 -3 7,073.22 -1,179.87 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Barry *1936 (79) US 210 -5 7,030.33 -1,259.47 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jean Michel Basquiat 1960-1988 US 211 +10 7,010.29 -1,021.45 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Heinz Mack *1931 (84) DE 212 +26 7,007.12 -801.39 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Motherwell 1915-1991 US 213 +4 7,000.53 -1,063.06 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Luc Tuymans *1958 (57) BE 214 -17 6,972.04 -1,482.00 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jean Tinguely 1925-1991 CH 215 +27 6,946.88 -780.77 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kader Attia *1970 (45) FR 216 +21 6,935.69 -899.45 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sanja Ivekovic *1949 (66) HR 217 +8 6,923.55 -1,029.75 [Analysis] Sarah Lucas *1962 (53) UK 218 +5 6,919.49 -1,087.56 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Philippe Parreno *1964 (51) FR 219 -23 6,915.43 -1,574.19 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pawel Althamer *1967 (48) PL 220 -13 6,909.84 -1,309.81 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 NL 221 +37 6,907.05 -577.89 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ugo Rondinone *1963 (52) CH 222 -9 6,903.62 -1,257.44 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tobias Rehberger *1966 (49) DE 223 +4 6,899.93 -1,021.96 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Wim Delvoye *1965 (50) BE 224 -13 6,898.00 -1,282.75 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Superflex DK 225 -5 6,882.23 -1,150.62 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Simon Starling *1967 (48) UK 226 +3 6,845.29 -1,064.77 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jackson Pollock 1912-1956 US 227 -3 6,826.47 -1,144.08 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Markus Schinwald *1973 (42) AT 228 -10 6,810.03 -1,245.18 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dan Perjovschi *1961 (54) RO 229 -17 6,803.94 -1,376.79 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kimsooja *1957 (58) KR 230 +4 6,795.63 -1,064.70 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rebecca Horn *1944 (71) DE 231 -30 6,790.82 -1,579.17 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Edvard Munch 1863-1944 NO 232 +7 6,790.36 -995.06 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] William Eggleston *1939 (76) US 233 -1 6,782.41 -1,088.21 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sylvie Fleury *1961 (54) CH 234 -24 6,740.06 -1,441.70 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Julião Sarmento *1948 (67) PT 235 -16 6,715.24 -1,333.88 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Boris Mikhailov *1938 (77) UA 236 -5 6,704.94 -1,196.22 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Christopher Williams *1956 (59) US 237 -1 6,688.53 -1,154.60 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carsten Höller *1961 (54) BE 238 -8 6,682.97 -1,219.75 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Omer Fast *1972 (43) IL 239 +1 6,681.63 -1,066.35 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lee Friedlander *1934 (81) US 240 -25 6,677.88 -1,430.09 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Keren Cytter *1977 (38) IL 241 +16 6,673.92 -820.56 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Antoni Muntadas *1942 (73) ES 242 -14 6,631.77 -1,279.81 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Philip Guston 1913-1980 US 243 +3 6,615.72 -1,034.79 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jean Dubuffet 1901-1985 FR 244 +15 6,606.79 -874.99 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Fred Sandback 1943-2003 US 245 +5 6,588.78 -973.34 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Miroslaw Balka *1958 (57) PL 246 +6 6,569.96 -981.10 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alicja Kwade *1979 (36) DE, PL 247 +58 6,563.81 -318.55 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] David Maljkovic *1973 (42) HR 248 -7 6,510.42 -1,218.69 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Wilhelm Sasnal *1972 (43) PL 249 -16 6,503.86 -1,364.52 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Akram Zaatari *1966 (49) LB 250 +18 6,499.87 -852.45 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Per Kirkeby *1938 (77) DK 251 -8 6,499.61 -1,188.22 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Joachim Koester *1962 (53) DK 252 +8 6,497.95 -974.54 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hito Steyerl *1966 (49) DE 253 +22 6,492.43 -786.42 [Analysis] Wolf Vostell 1932-1998 DE 254 -9 6,455.66 -1,202.91 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Isaac Julien *1960 (55) UK 255 -8 6,453.94 -1,156.42 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Otto Piene 1928-2014 DE 256 +15 6,444.02 -859.82 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Shrigley *1968 (47) UK 257 -13 6,439.27 -1,234.93 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] William Wegman *1942 (73) US 258 -2 6,427.64 -1,072.49 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ceal Floyer *1968 (47) UK 259 +8 6,424.61 -933.50 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Taryn Simon *1975 (40) US 260 +21 6,411.48 -796.49 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Otto Dix 1891-1969 DE 261 -13 6,385.23 -1,218.29 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Olivier Mosset *1944 (71) CH 262 ±0 6,375.50 -1,057.50 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mario Garcia Torres *1975 (40) MX 263 +14 6,364.81 -888.42 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Allan McCollum *1944 (71) US 264 -9 6,351.82 -1,158.72 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Martin Creed *1968 (47) UK 265 -16 6,341.59 -1,261.32 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Julian Opie *1958 (57) UK 266 -13 6,329.78 -1,219.00 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Allan Sekula 1951-2013 US 267 -3 6,321.75 -1,070.53 [Analysis] James Welling *1951 (64) US 268 +34 6,312.26 -595.27 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cildo Meireles *1948 (67) BR 269 +22 6,285.33 -723.81 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Piero Manzoni 1933-1963 IT 270 +24 6,279.88 -683.42 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mark Rothko 1903-1970 US 271 +8 6,276.76 -966.68 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jeppe Hein *1974 (41) DK 272 -11 6,270.92 -1,195.81 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Adrian Paci *1969 (46) AL 273 -10 6,256.12 -1,142.51 [Analysis] Martin Parr *1952 (63) UK 274 -9 6,237.38 -1,150.22 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ben Vautier *1935 (80) FR 275 -9 6,236.59 -1,139.78 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rivane Neuenschwander *1967 (48) BR 276 -25 6,227.65 -1,330.75 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Haegue Yang *1971 (44) KR 277 +24 6,205.60 -707.00 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gillian Wearing *1963 (52) UK 278 +2 6,203.96 -1,029.13 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ernesto Neto *1964 (51) BR 279 -10 6,195.66 -1,146.01 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Edward Burtynsky *1955 (60) CA 280 +17 6,182.73 -750.83 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hans Haacke *1936 (79) DE 281 +5 6,182.45 -921.82 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Deimantas Narkevicius *1964 (51) LT 282 ±0 6,168.93 -1,012.27 [Works of art] [Analysis] Francis Picabia 1879-1953 FR 283 +5 6,144.70 -911.74 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] George Grosz 1893-1959 DE, US 284 +15 6,121.04 -797.76 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cao Fei *1978 (37) CN 285 -31 6,106.91 -1,405.11 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Monica Bonvicini *1965 (50) IT 286 -16 6,097.97 -1,229.37 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948 DE 287 +5 6,075.52 -908.40 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Edward Steichen 1879-1973 US 288 -10 6,064.82 -1,188.30 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Antony Gormley *1950 (65) UK 289 -2 6,029.80 -1,072.45 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Blinky Palermo 1943-1977 DE 290 +3 6,025.25 -957.39 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Frank *1924 (91) CH, US 291 -19 6,016.89 -1,271.85 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gerwald Rockenschaub *1952 (63) AT 292 -19 6,014.47 -1,272.71 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jim Shaw *1952 (63) US 293 -17 5,996.01 -1,280.87 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Allen Ruppersberg *1944 (71) US 294 -20 5,994.07 -1,292.25 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pierre Bismuth *1963 (52) FR 295 +58 5,991.92 -384.22 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lynda Benglis *1941 (74) US 296 +4 5,972.30 -943.45 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carlos Garaicoa *1967 (48) CU 297 -2 5,961.11 -1,001.58 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carrie Mae Weems *1953 (62) US 298 +24 5,945.06 -741.46 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kris Martin *1972 (43) BE 299 +19 5,943.16 -787.40 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] René Magritte 1898-1967 BE 300 -17 5,931.26 -1,188.66 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Neo Rauch *1960 (55) DE 301 -17 5,929.23 -1,186.24 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Leiko Ikemura *1951 (64) JP 302 +9 5,920.32 -896.89 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cerith Wyn Evans *1958 (57) UK 303 -5 5,919.81 -1,004.59 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919 FR 304 +19 5,899.64 -782.93 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Peter Weibel *1944 (71) AT 305 -20 5,893.66 -1,216.31 [Analysis] Gregor Schneider *1969 (46) DE 306 -17 5,889.19 -1,165.79 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] André Kertész 1894-1985 HU 307 +5 5,886.11 -925.80 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Filliou 1926-1987 FR 308 -18 5,882.11 -1,129.33 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ulla von Brandenburg *1974 (41) DE 309 +30 5,873.53 -605.43 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yinka Shonibare, MBE *1962 (53) UK 310 -6 5,873.18 -1,015.54 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sharon Hayes *1970 (45) US 311 +16 5,851.75 -820.26 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Bruce Conner 1933-2008 US 312 +13 5,849.16 -828.62 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Chris Burden *1946 (69) US 313 +1 5,823.45 -955.01 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] George Condo *1957 (58) US 314 -6 5,815.58 -1,023.10 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] John Chamberlain 1927-2011 US 315 -12 5,814.87 -1,089.60 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Auguste Rodin 1840-1917 FR 316 -20 5,810.49 -1,128.42 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Shilpa Gupta *1976 (39) IN 317 +11 5,785.29 -868.86 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Agnes Martin 1912-2004 CA 318 -5 5,782.95 -1,000.76 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kazimir Malevich 1878-1935 RU 319 +2 5,775.30 -936.28 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jan Dibbets *1941 (74) NL 320 -1 5,773.59 -952.91 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Andrea Fraser *1965 (50) US 321 +31 5,754.51 -629.15 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Paul Chan *1973 (42) US 322 -15 5,738.67 -1,100.03 [Analysis] Hélio Oiticica 1937-1980 BR 323 +22 5,737.05 -693.40 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jesús Rafael Soto 1923-2005 VE 324 +17 5,728.64 -737.17 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mounir Fatmi *1970 (45) MA 325 +52 5,716.44 -373.66 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tino Sehgal *1976 (39) DE, UK 326 -9 5,711.72 -1,038.32 [Analysis] Andrés Serrano *1950 (65) US 327 -21 5,707.46 -1,167.29 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rosa Barba *1972 (43) IT 328 +30 5,702.92 -638.49 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Zoe Leonard *1961 (54) US 329 +1 5,693.12 -959.45 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Oskar Kokoschka 1886-1980 AT 330 +5 5,689.80 -888.79 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Katharina Grosse *1961 (54) DE 331 +5 5,684.44 -885.37 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robin Rhode *1976 (39) ZA 332 -6 5,657.91 -1,015.52 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Avedon 1923-2004 US 333 -17 5,636.74 -1,123.35 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Georges Braque 1882-1963 FR 334 -1 5,635.01 -997.21 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jirí Kovanda *1953 (62) CZ 335 +5 5,634.40 -837.79 [Works of art] [Analysis] Olaf Nicolai *1962 (53) DE 336 -27 5,618.66 -1,214.88 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hans Op de Beeck *1969 (46) BE 337 +11 5,604.59 -810.73 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Adel Abdessemed *1971 (44) DZ 338 -18 5,602.37 -1,114.22 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lygia Clark 1920-1988 BR 339 +18 5,601.21 -742.97 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gregory Crewdson *1962 (53) US 340 -30 5,594.62 -1,228.76 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Karin Sander *1957 (58) DE 341 -4 5,555.44 -1,013.68 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Lorna Simpson *1960 (55) US 342 -8 5,552.29 -1,055.77 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Wangechi Mutu *1972 (43) KE 343 -12 5,545.45 -1,087.18 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mark Manders *1968 (47) NL 344 -6 5,531.01 -1,026.45 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Paul Gauguin 1848-1903 FR 345 +26 5,520.31 -619.17 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Niki de Saint Phalle 1930-2002 FR 346 +4 5,510.92 -879.13 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sturtevant 1930-2014 US 347 +35 5,499.44 -534.30 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Urs Fischer *1973 (42) CH 348 -1 5,485.04 -935.35 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Annette Messager *1943 (72) FR 349 -25 5,477.79 -1,201.69 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Fiona Tan *1966 (49) NL 350 -35 5,475.51 -1,299.89 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Thomas Bayrle *1937 (78) DE 351 +17 5,473.42 -707.01 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Herbert Brandl *1959 (56) AT 352 +29 5,472.30 -570.57 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Susan Hiller *1940 (75) US 353 -4 5,434.19 -964.23 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jorinde Voigt *1977 (38) DE 354 +32 5,430.88 -577.97 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jürgen Klauke *1943 (72) DE 355 +1 5,428.26 -923.58 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Peter Halley *1953 (62) US 356 +14 5,411.41 -738.40 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Stan Douglas *1960 (55) CA 357 -6 5,406.16 -982.90 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Giorgio de Chirico 1888-1978 IT 358 -15 5,394.45 -1,044.52 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rafael Lozano-Hemmer *1967 (48) MX 359 ±0 5,386.20 -937.37 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Sarah Morris *1967 (48) UK 360 -31 5,386.05 -1,267.50 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rachel Harrison *1966 (49) US 361 -17 5,377.31 -1,059.01 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Latifa Echakhch *1974 (41) MA 362 +60 5,374.41 -382.39 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Francis Bacon 1909-1992 IE 363 -31 5,357.64 -1,274.74 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gelatin AT 364 +23 5,335.39 -668.40 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Alexander Rodchenko 1891-1956 RU 365 ±0 5,321.29 -899.49 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Julie Mehretu *1970 (45) ET 366 +31 5,320.55 -598.51 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Bridget Riley *1931 (84) UK 367 -21 5,305.18 -1,123.93 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jack Pierson *1960 (55) US 368 -13 5,302.18 -1,060.98 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gary Hill *1951 (64) US 369 -27 5,300.17 -1,151.10 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jake & Dinos Chapman UK, UK 370 -16 5,296.26 -1,077.47 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tatiana Trouvé *1968 (47) IT 371 -9 5,282.37 -966.81 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jesper Just *1974 (41) DK 372 -9 5,274.88 -967.48 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Daniel Richter *1962 (53) DE 373 +2 5,266.61 -836.40 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mel Bochner *1940 (75) US 374 ±0 5,242.01 -874.17 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Timm Ulrichs *1940 (75) DE 375 -8 5,239.28 -953.93 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tom Wesselmann 1931-2004 US 376 +17 5,234.15 -730.80 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Guido van der Werve *1977 (38) NL 377 +12 5,223.64 -756.13 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Michael Sailstorfer *1979 (36) DE 378 -9 5,206.06 -951.58 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Goldblatt *1930 (85) ZA 379 +11 5,199.04 -774.57 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Yto Barrada *1971 (44) FR, MA 380 -4 5,197.03 -901.25 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Vija Celmins *1938 (77) US 381 -17 5,188.45 -1,052.95 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 NL 382 +1 5,187.01 -846.69 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Mangold *1937 (78) US 383 -22 5,181.33 -1,074.03 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kendell Geers *1968 (47) ZA 384 -12 5,173.15 -956.84 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Henrik Olesen *1967 (48) DK 385 -5 5,153.92 -905.53 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] IRWIN SI 386 -7 5,153.41 -907.78 [Works of art] [Analysis] Urs Lüthi *1947 (68) CH 387 +11 5,152.21 -757.88 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Rachel Whiteread *1963 (52) UK 388 +25 5,137.54 -689.09 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Xu Zhen *1977 (38) CN 389 -11 5,137.11 -930.72 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hans Bellmer 1902-1975 DE 390 +5 5,126.86 -825.67 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Andreas Slominski *1959 (56) DE 391 +11 5,110.99 -764.90 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mathieu Mercier *1970 (45) FR 392 +15 5,109.37 -738.61 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Manfred Pernice *1963 (52) DE 393 -20 5,095.18 -1,021.67 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Wade Guyton *1972 (43) US 394 +2 5,089.28 -862.59 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster *1965 (50) FR 395 -11 5,088.89 -938.46 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Takashi Murakami *1962 (53) JP 396 -36 5,086.94 -1,184.42 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Brice Marden *1938 (77) US 397 -31 5,086.32 -1,126.89 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Berlinde De Bruyckere *1964 (51) BE 398 +18 5,076.64 -724.08 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Catherine Opie *1961 (54) US 399 +9 5,076.31 -771.20 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Klara Liden *1979 (36) SE 400 +15 5,072.79 -738.18 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Francesca Woodman 1958-1981 US 401 +80 5,063.18 -247.12 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Arman 1928-2005 FR, US 402 +24 5,062.64 -649.80 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Ryman *1930 (85) US 403 +2 5,062.08 -795.20 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Garry Winogrand 1928-1984 US 404 ±0 5,053.52 -819.80 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Erró *1932 (83) IS 405 -5 5,047.08 -842.72 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Hamish Fulton *1946 (69) UK 406 +12 5,034.62 -758.64 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Max Bill 1908-1994 CH 407 +42 5,026.51 -476.76 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Robert Indiana *1928 (87) US 408 +42 5,024.69 -473.71 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Juan Muñoz 1953-2001 ES 409 -18 5,014.45 -956.98 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Tal R *1967 (48) DK 410 +42 5,003.20 -480.53 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Guy Ben-Ner *1969 (46) IL 411 +8 4,989.78 -793.96 [Analysis] Erik van Lieshout *1968 (47) NL 412 +22 4,986.30 -674.96 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] General Idea CA 413 -14 4,983.92 -914.51 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mark Leckey *1964 (51) UK 414 +53 4,982.10 -404.19 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] David Lamelas *1946 (69) AR 415 -21 4,980.07 -979.54 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Ryan Trecartin *1981 (34) US 416 +27 4,975.23 -601.41 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carolee Schneemann *1939 (76) US 417 +22 4,968.66 -645.09 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ahmet Ögüt *1981 (34) TR 418 +24 4,956.51 -624.49 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Clemens von Wedemeyer *1974 (41) DE 419 -31 4,952.27 -1,027.65 [Analysis] Ragnar Kjartansson *1976 (39) IS 420 +96 4,952.12 -151.15 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Analysis] James Rosenquist *1933 (82) US 421 +7 4,950.54 -743.81 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pedro Cabrita Reis *1956 (59) PT 422 +5 4,936.23 -770.52 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Philip-Lorca diCorcia *1953 (62) US 423 ±0 4,932.75 -815.16 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Édouard Manet 1832-1883 FR 424 +24 4,931.45 -585.56 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marc Quinn *1964 (51) UK 425 -14 4,931.04 -898.88 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Trisha Donnelly *1974 (41) US 426 -14 4,915.29 -913.94 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sam Francis 1923-1994 US 427 -21 4,911.98 -936.82 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anthony McCall *1946 (69) UK 428 +10 4,898.30 -727.37 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ansel Adams 1902-1984 US 429 -26 4,898.14 -976.18 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sam Durant *1961 (54) US 430 -6 4,879.70 -846.52 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Seth Price *1973 (42) IL 431 -22 4,872.99 -967.97 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Luis Camnitzer *1937 (78) UY 432 +14 4,872.02 -651.33 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] August Sander 1876-1964 DE 433 -32 4,868.05 -1,010.05 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Zhang Huan *1965 (50) CN 434 -42 4,864.92 -1,101.82 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Francesco Clemente *1952 (63) IT 435 -10 4,862.33 -858.23 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Simon Denny *1982 (33) NZ 436 +144 4,859.79 +119.44 [Analysis] Brassaï 1899-1984 RO 437 +39 4,857.80 -475.24 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Haim Steinbach *1944 (71) IL 438 -2 4,853.60 -795.55 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Michel François *1956 (59) BE 439 +2 4,838.60 -744.31 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Marcel Dzama *1974 (41) CA 440 +32 4,833.74 -516.51 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Elke Krystufek *1970 (45) AT 441 -56 4,823.75 -1,201.22 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Kelley Walker *1969 (46) US 442 +2 4,817.83 -737.81 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Javier Téllez *1969 (46) VE 443 -11 4,811.90 -867.98 [Analysis] Erich Heckel 1883-1970 DE 444 +61 4,805.46 -359.25 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Oscar Tuazon *1975 (40) US 445 +26 4,797.92 -560.34 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ignasi Aballí *1958 (57) ES 446 +18 4,795.75 -622.36 [Works of art] [Analysis] Tom Sachs *1966 (49) US 447 +16 4,791.51 -629.12 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Guy Tillim *1962 (53) ZA 448 -15 4,776.61 -892.06 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Edward Weston 1886-1958 US 449 -4 4,743.71 -792.63 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Eberhard Havekost *1967 (48) DE 450 -33 4,743.37 -1,056.52 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Damián Ortega *1967 (48) MX 451 +11 4,734.66 -686.80 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Henry Moore 1898-1986 UK 452 +25 4,733.44 -597.08 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Regina José Galindo *1974 (41) GT 453 -6 4,728.40 -790.72 [Works of art] [Analysis] João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva PT 454 +54 4,720.69 -427.61 [Analysis] Atelier van Lieshout NL 455 +11 4,688.18 -710.63 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] El Lissitzky 1890-1941 RU 456 +58 4,687.44 -423.00 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Dara Birnbaum *1946 (69) US 457 -27 4,685.09 -1,004.98 [Analysis] Susan Philipsz *1965 (50) UK 458 +33 4,684.87 -548.36 [Video & Texts] [Analysis] Tracey Moffatt *1960 (55) AU 459 -49 4,678.60 -1,151.82 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gert & Uwe Tobias RO 460 +24 4,670.53 -610.69 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Oliver Ressler *1970 (45) AT 461 +36 4,663.36 -522.84 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carlos Amorales *1970 (45) MX 462 -33 4,656.47 -1,034.48 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Olaf Breuning *1970 (45) CH 463 -49 4,653.20 -1,164.83 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Carsten Nicolai *1965 (50) DE 464 -9 4,651.87 -821.67 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Darren Almond *1971 (44) UK 465 +4 4,651.37 -722.92 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mark Bradford *1961 (54) US 466 +4 4,648.87 -724.69 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Doug Aitken *1968 (47) US 467 -47 4,647.32 -1,117.56 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Pierre Bonnard 1867-1947 FR 468 +30 4,642.03 -543.24 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Peter Blake *1932 (83) UK 469 +49 4,641.76 -436.08 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Thomas Scheibitz *1968 (47) DE 470 -12 4,637.47 -806.04 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Teresa Margolles *1963 (52) MX 471 -34 4,636.23 -994.13 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Gerard Byrne *1969 (46) IE 472 -12 4,628.03 -797.88 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Bertrand Lavier *1949 (66) FR 473 -38 4,626.98 -1,024.70 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anselm Reyle *1970 (45) DE 474 -34 4,623.90 -972.24 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Neil Beloufa *1985 (30) FR 475 +128 4,621.53 -10.76 [Analysis] Berenice Abbott 1898-1991 US 476 +10 4,617.13 -659.36 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Richard Deacon *1949 (66) UK 477 -23 4,607.48 -867.01 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Allan Kaprow 1927-2006 US 478 -27 4,604.29 -880.82 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Sharon Lockhart *1964 (51) US 479 +3 4,602.97 -701.26 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Paul Thek 1933-1988 US 480 +80 4,583.41 -279.50 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Jaume Plensa *1955 (60) ES 481 -28 4,583.22 -893.00 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1864-1901 FR 482 -14 4,580.36 -795.91 [Works of art] [Analysis] Mariana Castillo Deball *1975 (40) MX 483 +50 4,575.65 -412.33 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Cory Arcangel *1978 (37) US 484 +10 4,568.41 -649.35 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Mladen Stilinovic *1947 (68) RS 485 -20 4,557.20 -844.45 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Andrea Zittel *1965 (50) US 486 -25 4,553.11 -872.44 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Abraham Cruzvillegas *1968 (47) MX 487 +24 4,542.87 -587.19 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Ciprian Muresan *1977 (38) RO 488 +67 4,540.40 -357.16 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Art & Language UK 489 -30 4,540.02 -892.06 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Victor Vasarely 1908-1997 HU 490 -34 4,537.86 -919.26 [Works of art] [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Candice Breitz *1972 (43) ZA 491 -34 4,532.51 -920.27 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Käthe Kollwitz 1867-1945 DE 492 +55 4,529.55 -403.73 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Anna Jermolaewa *1970 (45) RU 493 +13 4,527.77 -631.63 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Nathalie Djurberg *1978 (37) SE 494 -15 4,523.49 -800.63 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Egon Schiele 1890-1918 AT 495 +105 4,521.86 -132.30 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Laurent Grasso *1972 (43) FR 496 +6 4,521.45 -648.07 [Video & Texts] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Georg Herold *1947 (68) DE 497 -23 4,517.28 -830.09 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Raqs Media Collective IN 498 +45 4,511.60 -432.67 [Works of art] [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Laurie Simmons *1949 (66) US 499 +14 4,500.64 -615.13 [Auctions (www.findartinfo.com)] [Analysis] Franz Gertsch 18m Galerie Zahlenwerte 7hours HAUS 19 A trans Pavillon able Kulturverein AdK - Akademie der Künste Aedes aff Galerie after the butcher Agency Yorckberlin ainsA Galerie allgirls - international berlin art Galerie Alte Schule im Kulturzentrum Adlershof Apply Softly Architektur Galerie Berlin Art Laboratory Berlin Artitude (closed, 2014) Artnews Projects (closed, 2010) Artport artSPACE Berlin arttransponder e.V. Atelierhaus Monbijoupark Atelierhof Kreuzberg Autocenter Bauer & Ewald Berg 26 - Raum für Klang Berliner Kunstprojekt (BK) BOX21 Freiraum für Kultur Stiftung Brandenburger Tor - Max Liebermann Haus Brotfabrik Berlin Burger Collection Büro Friedrich C/O Berlin Center Berlin CIAT - Contemporary Institute for Art & Thought Circle1 Project ConcentArt Berlin con|temporary (closed, 2008) CREATE BERLIN e.V. CTM ? Club Transmediale Deutsche Bank KunstHalle Directors Lounge Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung El Sourdog Hex (closed, 2009) :emyt Galerie en passant enblanco PROJEKTRAUM Endart Epicentro art Espace Surplus Kunstsalon Europa alte feuerwache / Projektraum - Galerie FIT freie internationale Tankstelle Fleisch (closed, 2006) Kunst und Literatur Forum Amalienpark e.V. Framework Freies Museum Berlin Galerie Frenhofer G.A.S - station Galerie des Vereins Berliner Künstler GEDOK Berlin Gehag Forum Goethe-Institut Berlin Griechische Kulturstiftung Berlin Grimmuseum Guardini Galerie Haus am Lützowplatz heldart HIER - Aktuelle Kunst Karl Hofer Gesellschaft Freundeskreis der UdK e.V. IDZ - Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin e. V. INFERNOESQUE informal_space Kunstverein INGAN e.V. insitu Institut Français de Berlin Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin K.A.P. Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg e.V. Kienzle Art Foundation Kleine Humboldt Galerie Kunsthalle Koidl Dorothea Konwiarz Stiftung Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin KULA e.V. Galerie Kulturhaus Spandau Kulturpalast Wedding International Kunst-Werke Berlin - KW Institute for Contemporary Art Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben e.V. Kunstfabrik-Berlin c/o Forum Factory Kunstforum in der GrundkreditBank (closed) Kunstraum t27 Kunstsalon Bel Etage Kunststiftung Poll Kunstverein Friedrichstadt e.V. Kunstverein New York Rio Tokyo Galerie Kurt im Hirsch / Hirschhöfe Berlin Lady Fitness contemporary art space LAGE EGAL - Raum für aktuelle Kunst LEAP - Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance L?oiseau présente Kunsthalle m3 me Collectors Room Berlin Mies van der Rohe Haus MMX Open Art Venue e.V. (closed) MOMENTUM NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein Neurotitan NON Berlin Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten Or Gallery - Berlin Parkhaus Projects Galerie Parterre Pavillon am Milchhof Peter-Christian-Schlueschen-Stiftung Praxes Center for Contemporary Art Projektraum Deutscher Künstlerbund Prozessgalerie Galerie im Ratskeller Galerie Im Regierungsviertel - Forgotten Bar (closed) Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V. rosalux RSP Rockelmann Stuhltrager Projects (closed, 2011) Ruine der Künste Saarländische Galerie - Europäisches Kunstforum e.V. Saloon SU DE COUCOU SAVVY Contemporary Berlin Projektraum der Schering Stiftung Schillerpalais Schinkel Pavillon Büro Schwimmer Scotty Enterprises singuhr - hoergalerie Slowakisches Institut in Berlin / Slovenský inÅ¡titút v Berlíne Sparwasser H Q - Forum for contemporary art Stiftung Starke Stattbad Wedding Stiftung St. Matthäus Kirche Studio 1 - Kunstquartier Bethanien Sur la Montagne Tanas (closed, 2013) tesla - medien kunst labor (closed, 2007) Trampoline - Platform for New Media Art Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin UNDABDIEPOST! Uqbar Walden Kunstausstellungen Galerie Wedding WerkStadt Berlin ZERN ZKU ? Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik Online galleries (1) Hotes International Fine Art Private Collections (11) About change recommended institution Daimler Contemporary Sammlung Haubrok Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin Sammlung Hoffmann Sammlung Lützow Salon Dahlmann Sammlung Wemhöner Schürmann Berlin SØR Rusche Sammlung Staatsgalerie Prenzlauer Berg Private Galleries (822) aquabitArt 18m Galerie für Zahlenwerte Gallery 33 (closed, 2008) 401contemporary Galerie 52 | Heidrun Quinque-Wessels Galerie 5213 (closed, 2009) a.i.p. artists in progress AA-Galleries - Berlin (closed) Aanant & Zoo Aando Fine Art AB Projekt (closed) AB-project-berlin (closed) ABEL - Raum für neue Kunst Galerie Abis (closed) Abnormals Gallery - Berlin Achtzig - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Adamski - Berlin Gallery Air Garten (closed) AKA Aktiv Galerie (closed) Galerie Albrecht - Berlin alexanderlevy Galerie am Havelufer (closed) Galerie am Wasserturm (closed, 2004) AMERIKA (closed, 2007) Galerie Mikael Andersen - Berlin Andersens Contemporary - Berlin (closed) Galerie Andrieu recommended institution Galerie ANNA25 another vacant space Galerie | Rolando Anselmi Galerie Arcus (closed) Galerie argus fotokunst Galerie am Arkonaplatz recommended institution ARNDT Arratia, Beer Art & Henle (closed, 2004) Art 5 III - Galerie Inge Herbert (closed) recommended institution art box berlin GmbH Art Center Berlin Friedrichstrasse Art Claims Impulse Galerie ART CRU Art von Frei Gallery Artbuero Berlin Ltd. - Galerie+Kunsthandel (closed) artillerie Galeri Artist - Berlin (closed, 2013) artMbassy Galerie Artodrome - Berlin asme galerie Asperger Gallery Atelier C9 (closed, 2009) ATM Gallery Berlin axellappprojects (closed, 2009) Egbert Baqué Contemporary Art BARAKK (closed, 2002) Giedre Bartelt Galerie (closed) Galerie Barthel + Tetzner recommended institution Galerie Barthelmess & Wischnewski Galerie Bastian Bastion Kronprinz Galerie Guido W. Baudach beat. - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst (closed, 2009) Bereznitsky - Berlin berg19 - raum für fotografie Galerie Berinson Galerie Berlin BERLINARTPROJECTS berlin art scouts Berliner Parkstudio Bermel Contemporary Galerie Marc Berville Prospects Berlin (closed, 2009) BilderWelten (closed) Bimal Projects Walter Bischoff Galerie - Berlin Helga Maria Bischoff Blain|Southern - Berlin Bleibtreu Galerie Galerie Blickensdorff (closed, 2007) Galerie René Block - Berlin (closed, 1979) BodhiBerlin Galerie Borchert + Schelenz (closed) Galerie Borgemeister GALERIE BORN BERLIN Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie Bossin (closed) Boulevard Parabol Bourouina Gallery Matthew Bown Gallery - Berlin Galerie BOX (closed) BOX32 BQ Berlin Galerie Eva Bracke BRAENNEN breitengraser | contemporary sculpture Galerie Bremer Galerie Brennecke Galerie Brockstedt - Berlin Galerie Elly Brose-Eiermann - Berlin brot.undspiele galerie Sandy Brown Brunn Berlin Galerie Brusberg - Berlin Dieter Brusberg Kunsthandel Brutto Gusto - Berlin Galerie Lena Brüning (closed, 2013) Galerie Daniel Buchholz - Berlin recommended institution Buchmann Galerie Galerie Sandra Buergel Busche Galerie (closed) Galerie Sandra Bürgel Galerie Paula Böttcher Camera Work Campagne Premiere Gallery Luis Campaña - Berlin Capitain Petzel Gallery Capri (closed, 2006) Galerie Carlier | Gebauer carpentier galerie | raum für kunst Lucas Carrieri Art Gallery Galerie Carstens (closed) Caspers - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Galerie Sarah Cay Cell63 artgallery Centrum Galerie charlier Chert Mehdi Chouakri Galerie Asim Chughtai (closed) Circleculture Gallery - Berlin Circus Clarke Gallery Club Midnight Cluster (closed, 2009) Collectiva Gallery COMA Centre for Opinions in Music and Art (closed) Contemporary Art Projects - Blashofer (closed, 2007) Contemporary Fine Arts - CFA CONTRIBUTED Studio for the Arts Cream Contemporary Galerie Crone Croy Nielsen Cruise & Callas Galerie Crystal Ball Galerie Thomas Crämer Galerie cubus-m Galerie CUC Charim Unger Contemporary (closed, 2011) Curators Without Borders (closed, 2008) Galerie Heike Curtze - Berlin CWC Gallery Galerie Isabella Czarnowska Dada Post recommended institution DAM GALLERY Berlin Dam,Stuhltrager Gallery - Berlin DAS LABOR - der Experimentalraum dat Galerie De Freo Gallery Galerie deARTIS Berlin galerie december Galerie Degenhartt Delloro Arte Contemporanea - Berlin Gallery DEN Galerie DEN Galerie Stefan Denninger (closed, 2008) Galerie Der Sturm (closed, 1932) galerie deschler berlin Galleria Davide Di Maggio - Berlin (closed, 2008) die raum Galerie Volker Diehl Diehl Cube Galerie van Diemen (closed) Galerie Horst Dietrich Galerie Kai Dikhas Galerie Dikmayer Dina4 Projekte - Berlin (closed) Galerie Diogenes (closed) Dirty Windows Gallery Galerie Dittmar recommended institution DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM recommended institution DNA dorisberlin Galerie Julia Dorsch recommended institution dr. julius | ap Galerie Anselm Dreher Galerie DUVE Berlin Dörrie * Priess (closed) E105 Galerie Patrick Ebensperger Galerie Echolot (closed, 2006) EFA European Fine Art Galerie Christian Ehrentraut Galerie EIGEN + ART EIGEN + ART Lab Elchkeller Emerson Gallery exhibeo galerie Exile (closed, 2014) Extraraum (closed, 2008) Factory-Art - Berlin Galerie Fahnemann Faktor Kunst GmbH (closed, 2006) Galerie Fred Fargo Galerie Natan Fedorowskij (closed) Galerie Feinkost recommended institution FELDBUSCHWIESNER Felixleiter - Raum für Kunst (closed) Fellini Gallery - Berlin Galerie Festl & Maas Galerie/Edition Lutz Fiebig (closed) Galerie Ulrich Fiedler FIELD (closed, 2008) Figge von Rosen Galerie Berlin (closed, 2015) FILIALE FINEARTS CON.TRA (closed, 2008) Firma London Galerie Thomas Fischer Konrad Fischer Galerie - Berlin Galerie thea fischer-reinhardt (closed, 2006) Fischerundfischer FLEX Galerie Thomas Flor FMAB - Fridey Mickel & Ariane Blankenburg Frederik Foert Berlin (closed, 2007) Foto Shop Fotogalerie Friedrichshain Fresh Eggs Galerie Galerie M + R Fricke - Berlin Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender (closed, 2014) Friedman Galerie und Projekt Galerie Friedmann-Hahn Lars Friedrich Friendly Society Berlin Galerie Klaus Gerrit Friese Frisch (closed) frontviews gallery Marzia Frozen fruehsorge contemporary drawings (closed, 2014) FS.Art Michael Fuchs Galerie Galerie Funke (closed, 2013) Future Gallery Förderkoje Galerie Förster G 7 Galerie, Johannishöfe G11 Galerie gad ? kunstraum Berlin gagprojects - Berlin Galerie der Kirche auf dem Tempelhofer Feld Galerie Eichblatt Galerie Flierl Galerie Fritsche 27 Galerie Hirshmann Galerie im Kutscherhaus (closed) Galerie im Prater Galerie Mandala (closed, 1995) Galerie Manfred Giesler + Partner Galerie Pavlova Galerie Pozzo Pozozza Galerie Rotes Haus Gallery Yumachi Galerie Davide Gallo - Berlin Galerie Garanin (closed) Galerie Gaulin & Partner Gelbe Musik Galerie am Gendarmenmarkt (closed, 2011) Gentili Apri Gerhardsen Gerner Gerichtstrasse 52a galerie gerken Galerie Gesellschaft GFAM - Galerie für aktuelle Malerei (closed) Galerie am Gierkeplatz Galerie für internationale Medienkunst-Gima (closed) Gloria Berlin GLUE Goff + Rosenthal - Berlin (closed, 2008) Golden Parachutes goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt art IT Galerie Golkar Ausstellungsraum Greifswalder Str. 212 Greusslich Contemporary Grieder Contemporary Projects griedervonputtkammer (closed) Galerie Marianne Grob Großgörschen 35 (closed, 1968) Grundemark Nilsson Gallery Galerie Grünstrasse Dan Gunn Kavi Gupta Gallery - Berlin Galerie Gutsch (closed) Galerie Gärtner GmbH recommended institution Galerie Michael Haas Galerie Haas & Fuchs - Berlin (closed, 2011) Hamish Morrison Galerie (closed, 2013) Hammer R.T. Hansen Contemporary Galerie Hartmann & Noé Berlin Haunch of Venison - Berlin (closed, 2010) Galerie Havelspitze Galerie J. J. Heckenhauer - Berlin (closed, 2008) Kai Heinze Berlin recommended institution Michaela Helfrich Galerie Berlin Galerie Hellenthal GmbH Helmrinderknecht Jochen Hempel Berlin Hengesbach Gallery (closed) Galerie Peter Herrmann Herrmann & Wagner (closed, 2009) Galerie Max Hetzler - Berlin HF Contemporary Art - Berlin Galerie Kai Hilgemann Galerie Hiltawsky Galerie Hirschmann Galerie Henry Hirts (closed) Galerie HO Galerie Kai Hoelzner Galerie Hoffmann + Weiss Hohenthal und Bergen Homie Honor Westmacott Galerie | Caprice Horn (closed, 2012) Horton Gallery - Berlin Galerie Christian Hosp - Berlin Galerie Carlos Hulsch Berlin hunchentoot - Galerie für zeitgenössische Positionen galerie juliane hundertmark Galerie Doris Höger HENRIKE . HÖHN . GALERIE Galerie IAC Berlin Galerie ICON Akira Ikeda - Berlin Galerie im Turm Galerie Im Zentrum (closed) imago fotokunst Imkabinett Galerie (closed) Galerie in Art - Berlin Infantellina Contemporary Institutberlin Intoxicated Demons Galerie Invaliden1 IQ13 Contemporary (closed) Galerie Irrgang - Berlin Jablonka Galerie - Berlin Galerie Jaeger & Partner Galerie Jahnhorts & Preuss (closed) Jana Hyner/BOX Janinebeangallery Galerie Michael Janssen - Berlin Jarmuschek + Partner Projektraum Sophienstrasse (closed) recommended institution Galerie Jarmuschek+Partner Jet (closed, 2009) Gallery Jkd-Berlin Galerie Johanssen Johnen Galerie JRGallery Galerie Judin JUKE-ART Galerie Rossella Junck - Berlin Galerie Junger Jüdische Galerie Berlin Galerie K & S Galerie K-02 (closed, 2010) Galerie Kamm (closed, 2014) Kampagne Galerie & Projekte Mathias Kampl Kana Contemporary Art (closed) Galerie Kapinos (closed) Merry Karnowsky Gallery - Berlin (closed, 2009) Katzengraben-Presse Galerie Ben Kaufmann - Berlin Andrae Kaufmann Gallery Kegelgalerie Galerie Robert Keller - Berlin Kewenig Galerie KFA Gallery (closed, 2009) Galerie Khadrberlin Kicken Berlin Galerie Kienzle & Gmeiner kik Kioskshop Berlin Kit Schulte Contemporary Art Klemm's Berlin Klosterfelde (closed) KM Galerie Knoth & Krüger recommended institution Galerie Koal Koch und Kesslau 2 (closed, 2004) Koch und Kesslau (closed, 2004) Gallery Nathan Koestlin (closed, 2010) Komart Gallery (closed) Komet Berlin (ex Rakete Berlin) (closed, 2009) Galerie Inga Kondeyne Galerie Kornfeld KOW Galerie Kraftwerk Krammig & Pepper Contemporary (closed, 2009) Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler Galerie Thore Krietemeyer Krobath - Berlin Krome Gallery Kronenboden Galerie Achim Kubinski - Berlin (closed) recommended institution Kuckei + Kuckei Galerie Kuhn & Partner Kuma Galerie Kunst Lager Haas kunst remise berlin Galerie Kunst-Projekt Forma:t Galerie Kunstblick (closed 2007) Kunstbüro Berlin Kunsthaus Berlin - Friedrich Foundation Kunsthaus Tacheles Galerie im Kunsthof Hintersdorf (closed) Kunstkabine (closed) Kunstklub Berlin (closed, 2009) KunstKonsum (closed) Kunstkontor Rampoldt KunstMitte Berlin (closed, 2000) Kunstpunkt Berlin (closed, 2009) Kunstsaele Galerie Kunstschwimmer KunstTachometer BERLIN Galerie Werner Kunze (closed) Galerie Kuttner Siebert GALERIE KVANT Kwadrat Galerie Kühn - Berlin Johann König Galerie König - Berlin (closed) recommended institution Galerie Villa Köppe L'Atelier - kunst(spiel)raum (closed) L.O.F.T. - Location Occupied For Time (closed) Labor 19 Galerie Lacke&Farben Lada Project (closed, 2008) Ladengalerie Lage Berlin Galerie Petra Lange LaSal Galerie Lecoq (closed) LEE galerie BERLIN Galerie Gebr. Lehmann - Berlin Lehr Zeitgenössische Kunst Leica Berlin Tanya Leighton Gallery Galerie LEO.COPPI LEVY Galerie (closed, 2011) Galerie Lietzow (closed, 1992) Galerie Lifebomb Galerie Liga (closed, 2004) Vero Linzmeier Galerie Galerie Listros Little Switzerland LoBe Gallery Loft 36 Loge Berlin Loock Galerie Loop - Raum für aktuelle Kunst Maribel López Gallery (closed, 2010) lorch+seidel galerie Loris - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst LSD Galerie (closed, 2014) lueckeundpartner studio Galerie LUX Berlin Anna Jill Lüpertz Gallery Lüttgenmeijer Läkemäker Galerie Gilla Lörcher m:a contemporary Galerie Sabine Maar (closed) Kunsthandel Jörg Maaß MAE Galerie Irene Eikmeier (closed) recommended institution maerzgalerie Galerie Magazin magnus müller magnusmuller Mainstream Galerie Mainz Maisenbacher Art Gallery - Berlin Vittorio Manalese Manifest International MANZONI SCHÄPER Mappenmöbelgalerie (closed) Galerie Kyra Maralt MARS Laura Mars Grp. Daniel Marzona Mathew Maud Piquion & Partner Max Hans Daniel Galerie Mario Mazzoli MD 72 Galerie Meier (closed) Galerie Meinhold (closed) Galerie Silvia Menzel (closed) recommended institution Galerie Martin Mertens Galerie Metro Meyer Riegger Berlin MFK - Galerie für Fotografie & Grafik mianki. Gallery Galerie Mikro (closed) Mille d'Air Minken & Palme (closed, 2012) MKGalerie - Berlin Modern Art Galerie/Edition Grafikbox (closed) Galerie für Moderne Fotografie Moeller Fine Art montanaberlin Montgomery Robert Morat Galerie - Schauraum Berlin Galerie Morgen Galerie am Moritzplatz (closed, 1981) Galerie Gillian Morris (closed, 2009) Murata & Friends museumsakademie. Galerie Helen Adkins müllerdechiara (closed, 2005) Münzing Claassen Galerie Mönch Galerie Tobias Naehring - Berlin (closed) Galerie Nagel Draxler Galerie Sherin Najjar Kunsthandel Dr. Markus Nass Nature Morte - Berlin Galerie Nebenan (closed) Neonchocolate Gallery Galerie NEU Neue Anständigkeit (closed) Neues Problem (closed, 2013) Neugerriemschneider Neumeister Bar-Am neunplus (closed, 2009) Nice & Fit Gallery Galerie Niebuhr (closed) Galerie Niedersätz Galerie Bodo Niemann (closed, 2003) Galerie Nierendorf no gallery Galerie Nordenhake - Berlin Galerie Georg Nothelfer Galerie Giti Nourbakhsch (closed, 2012) Galleria Nove Nymphius Projekte Berlin (closed) Galerie Axel Obiger OCA Gallery recommended institution ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING Galerie Okieh Jahr New York - Berlin (closed) Galerie oko - Japanese Contemporary Art Galerie Olga Benario Only-photography Galerie Reinhard Onnasch (closed) Galleri Opdahl - Berlin (closed, 2012) Galerie Open (closed, 2008) galerie OPEN by Alexandra Rockelmann (closed, 2012) Galerie oqbo \\ Raum für Bild Wort Ton \\ Galerie Birgit Ostermeier (closed, 2011) Otto Burchard Gallery (closed) Pantocrator Gallery Parabolica Spaces Parkgalerie Berlin Galerie im Parkhaus recommended institution Parrotta Contemporary Art - Projekt Space Galerie Pels-Leusden pepperprojects (closed) Peres Projects - Berlin Galerie Pernkopf (closed) Petersen Galerie (closed, 1993) Petersen und Partner Galerie Pfundt ph-projects Photography now - Agentur für Fotografie und Fotoprojekte Picture Perfect pink gallery recommended institution Galeria Plan B Plattenpalast Plattform für Gegenwart - Alexandra von Scholz Play - Gallery for still and motion pictures PMgalerie Podbielski Contemporary Galerie Gregor Podnar - Berlin Galerie Joachim Pohl Galerie Poll pool gallery (closed, 2011) Galerie Praz-Delavallade - Berlin (closed) Galerie PremArts Private View Art Projects Projekt 0047 Projektraum Jette Rudolph (closed, 2004) PSM Gallery Pussy Galore Galerie Jesco von Puttkamer (closed) PvonKgalerie Quality Lovers Quicksilver Galerie Galerie Heidrun Quinque-Wessels Raab Galerie Timm Rabofsky Kunstkabinett (closed) Rambo Contemporary (closed) RAR Gallery Berlin Rasche Ripken Raum5 Galerie raumcommander REALACE ® GmbH - Fine Arts and Development rebell minds gallery (closed) reception Galerie Redmann (closed) Refugium (closed) REH-Transformer Galerie Dieter Reitz Galerie Rekord (closed, 2005) Retramp Galerie Markus Richter (closed) Art Galerie Richter Galerie Richter-Stübler (closed) Petra Rietz Salon RISE Berlin RMCM Gallery recommended institution ROCKELMANN & Galerie Roho (closed) ROOT am Savignyplatz Galerie Rotunde (closed) Galerie Rowland Kutschera Galerie RS21 Berlin RT&W Rosendahl, Thöne & Westphal Galerie recommended institution Galerie Jette Rudolph Galerie Röhr + Ripken (closed) RÖHR und JENSCHKE Galerie Alexandra Saheb Sakamoto Contemporary Galerie Vincenz Sala samsa Atelier Sanderink Sandmann - Berlin Galerie Saupe Galerie am Savignyplatz Galerie Scala (closed, 2009) Schalter Galerie Schaltkreis Berlin Uta Scharf - Berlin Schau Fenster Niklas Schechinger Fine Art - Berlin Aurel Scheibler recommended institution Esther Schipper Schlechtriem Brothers (closed) Schleicher/Lange SCHLIEN & Friend Schmalfuss Berlin Contemporary Fine Art Schmidt Galerie Galerie Schoen + Nalepa School of Development Schrotter und Engel Die Schröder Galerie Galerie Micky Schubert Galerie Iris Schuhmacher Galerie Thomas Schulte recommended institution Galerie Michael Schultz Galerie Schuster Berlin Galerie Schuster Photo Galerie Elisabeth Schwarz Projektraum Schwarz Schwarz Contemporary Schwarzer Gegenwartskunst Galerie Naimah Schütter Galerie seifert | lardon Galerie Seitz & Partner Semjon Contemporary September (closed, 2014) Sexauer Gallery Galerie Jordan Seydoux showroom Berlin (closed) recommended institution Galerie Sievi Silberkuppe Skalitzers Contemporary Art Galerie Folker Skulima (closed) Société Sommer & Kohl Galerie Son Galerie Nikolaus Sonne (closed) Kunstraum Richard Sorge Souterrain soy capitán. Spandow Spesshardt & Klein (closed, 2008) Glasgalerie Splinter (closed) Spor Klübü Galerie Springer (closed, 1998) Galerie Springer Berlin Sprüth Magers Berlin Staatlicher Kunsthandel der DDR (closed, 1989) Staatsbank Stedefreund Stella A. Stil und Bruch Stockartist Space (closed) Galerie Stolz Berlin (closed) Galerie am Storchenturm Galerie Storkower Bogen (closed) storms berlin (closed) Galerie Jacky Strenz - Berlin (closed) Strychnin Gallery - Berlin Studio 63 Studio Galerie Mike Steiner (closed) Galerie Olaf Stüber Galerie Stühler subject object SUBSTITUT - Raum für aktuelle Kunst aus der Schweiz Suomesta Galleria super bien! Superplan Supportico Lopez Berlin Galerie Suvi Lehtinen (closed) Jiri Svestka Berlin szczesny factory Tabor Presse Berlin Gallery Taik Persons Tammen & Busch (closed) Galerie Tammen & Partner Galerie Tantow Galerie Taube taubert contemporary The Taut and Tame (closed) Nicolaas Teeuwisse OHG Galerie im Tempelhof Museum Temporary Gallery Berlin (tgb) Galerie Teufel (closed) The Ballery Galerie Barbara Thumm - Dircksenstraße (closed, 2009) Galerie Barbara Thumm Clemens Tissi tmp.deluxe (closed, 2011) Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf - Berlin (closed, 2011) Galerie Toolbox Galerie Florent Tosin Total Artspace (closed) Transit Lounge transition Galerie tristesse deluxe Trolley Sassa Trülzsch TS art projects TVDART Galerie Two Window Project TÄT UF6 Projects Gallery Berlin (closed) Galerie Ulf Wetzka (closed, 2009) upstairs berlin (closed, 2012) Urban Art Factory Urban Spree Galerie Petra Vankova Verve Gallery Viaux - Berlin Susanne Vielmetter Berlin Projects (closed, 2009) Galerie Vier (closed) Galerie vierte Etage (closed) Galerie Vinogradov Visite ma tente Vladimiro Izzo Gallery VLASAKcontemporary VOGES + DEISEN_raumberlin Vonderbank Artgalleries - Berlin (closed) Galerie Vostell (closed, 2005) VW (VeneKlasen/Werner) Wolfram Völcker Fine Art Galerie Antje Wachs (closed) Galerie Jan Wagner Galerie Tanja Wagner recommended institution Galerie Wagner + Partner Galerie von Waldenburg - Berlin Klara Wallner Galerie Klara Wallner PLUS WALLSTREET ONE gallery Galerie Wallywoods Galerie Ben Wargin (closed) Gallery Waschhaus Galerie Waszkowiak (closed) Heinz-Martin Weigand Gallery Gitte Weise Galerie (closed) Galerie Barbara Weiss Galerie Andreas Weiss Galerie Raum Weiss (closed) Galerie Juliane Wellerdiek Wendt + Friedmann Galerie Wentrup Werkkunstgalerie Werkstattgalerie Kunsthandel Wolfgang Werner - Bremen/Berlin Julius Werner Berlin (closed) West Berlin Gallery Galerie Westphal Wewerka Galerie White Square Gallery - Berlin Whiteconcepts C. Wichtendahl Galerie WiE WiE Kultur galerie wieland Galerie Wien Lukatsch Wiens Laden & Verlag (closed) Wiensowski & Harbord Wilde Gallery (closed) Jan Winkelmann (closed) Galerie Markus Winter Wolfgang Wittrock Kunsthandel Woeske Gallery Wohnmaschine (closed, 2010) Galerie Wunderland (closed) xavierlaboulbenne Xlab Corrosive Art Farm Zagreus Projekt ZAK BRANICKA Galerie Zandi Zapp Live Galerie (closed) Galerie Anke Zeisler Zellermayer Galerie Berlin ZERO.project (closed, 2012) Galerie Johannes Zielke (closed) Galerie Zink - Berlin Galerie ZK Galerie zone B Zozoville Gallery zwanzigquadratmeter Zweigstelle Berlin Zwinger Galerie Zwitscher Maschine Project Spaces (33) 91mQ (closed) A Window in Berlin berlin-weekly Between Bridges expo berlin General Public Group Global 3000 HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts II II // I ImageMovement Kaleidoskop Kinderhook & Caracas KM Temporaer Kreuzberg Pavillon Lehrter Siebzehn Kunst- und Atelierhaus Meinblau e.V. Mindpirates Projektraum nun open]art[space - projektraum kunst (closed) Ozean pavlov?s dog - raum für fotografie Phoenix-BB Poiesis Spec s/t - contemporary art and culture SMAC Sox Kunstprojektraum Takt The Wand tmp.plate Treppenhaus Vierter Stock Galerie Berlin X project space Raum für Zweckfreiheit Public Institutions (92) Galerie 100 2yK Galerie Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Alte Nationalgalerie Altes Museum Amerika-Haus Berlin Artneuland Berlin Space Ausstellungsraum Restitution Bauhaus Archiv Museum Berggruen Kunsthalle Berlin-Lichtenberg Berlinische Galerie Künstlerhaus Bethanien Brücke Museum Bröhan-Museum - Landesmuseum für Jugendstil, Art Deco und Funktionalismus Collegium Hungaricum Computer Spiele Museum daadgalerie Museen Dahlem Deutsches Architektur Zentrum - DAZ Deutsches Historisches Museum - DHM Deutsches Technikmuseum Ephraim-Palais - Stadtmuseum Berlin fas - Fotografie Am Schiffbauerdamm Friedrichswerdersche Kirche GALERIE im RATHAUS TEMPELHOF GdK Galerie der Künste Berlin Martin-Gropius-Bau Deutsche Guggenheim (closed, 2013) Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart Haus am Kleistpark recommended institution Haus am Waldsee - Der Ort internationaler Gegenwartskunst in Berlin Haus der Kulturen der Welt Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut recommended institution ifa-Galerie Berlin recommended institution Instituto Cervantes - Berlin INTERNATIONALES FORUM Jüdisches Museum Berlin Galerie KH - Kulturhaus Karlshorst Kleisthaus Georg Kolbe Museum Käthe Kollwitz Museum Berlin Kolonie Wedding Berlin e.V. Kommunale Galerie Berlin Kronprinzen-Palais (closed, 1939) Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz Kunst- und Medienzentrum Adlershof (KMZA) Kunst-Raum des Deutschen Bundestages Kunstamt Tempelhof - Schöneberg Kunstbank Berlin Kunstbibliothek Kunstdienstgalerie DOMizil Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien Kupferstichkabinett Galerie im Körnerpark Galerie M Museum für Fotografie - Helmut Newton Stiftung Museum für Kommunikation Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK) Neue Nationalgalerie Neuen Kunstquartier Berlin Museum Neukölln New Life Berlin - Wooloo.org Nolde Stiftung Seebüll Dependance Berlin Orangerie - Schloss Charlottenburg Galerie OST-ART im Kulturring Berlin e.V. Otto-Nagel-Haus Galerie Pankow Pergamonmuseum Podewil (closed) Prima Center Berlin Prinzessinnenpalais PROGRAM initiative for art and architectural collaborations Galerie im Saalbau, Kulturamt Neukoelln (closed, 2009) Sammlung Boros Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg Galerie Schwartzsche Villa Schwules Museum Berlin Semmer-Berlin Shift e.V. (closed) Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin (closed, 1994) Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin (closed, 2010) Das Verborgene Museum Villa Oppenheim - Galerie für Gegenwartskunst Galerie Weisser Elefant Willy-Brandt-Haus Heinrich-Zille-Museum Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin Adrien Abline, Julie Béna, Clélia Berthier, Étienne Bossut, Nicolas Chardon, Claude Closky, Claudia Comte, Guillaume Constantin, Antonio Contador, John Cornu, Bruno Di Rosa, Peter Downsbrough, Ivan Liovik Ebel, Christelle Familiari, Michel François, Ann Guillaume & Tom Bücher, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Isabelle Lartault & Michel Verjux, Quentin Lefranc, Muriel Leray, Claude Lévêque, Jonathan Loppin, Mathieu Mercier, Grégoire Motte, Samir Mougas, Pierre la Police, Éric Pougeau, Marine Provost, Babeth Rambault, Francis Raynaud, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Claude Rutault, Éléonore Saintagnan, Yann Sérandour, Agnès Thurnauer, Hélène Travert, Mathieu Tremblin, Capucine Vandebrouck, Philémon Vanorlé / Société Volatile, Christophe Viart 1 Andy Warhol Chart | Auctions 1928-1987 US 1 ± 0 1 55592.42 + -10542.64 2 Pablo Picasso Chart | Auctions 1881-1973 ES 2 ± 0 2 39460.20 + -7090.25 3 Bruce Nauman Chart | Auctions *1941 (76) US 3 ± 0 3 32528.76 + -6001.53 4 Gerhard Richter Chart | Auctions *1932 (85) DE 4 ± 0 4 31641.07 + -4884.49 5 Joseph Beuys Chart | Auctions 1921-1986 DE 5 ± 0 5 28830.39 + -5158.94 6 Cindy Sherman Chart | Auctions *1954 (63) US 6 ± 0 6 25352.93 + -4914.02 7 John Baldessari Chart | Auctions *1931 (86) US 7 ± 0 7 24290.07 + -3992.48 8 Sol LeWitt Chart | Auctions 1928-2007 US 8 ± 0 8 23552.22 + -4419.94 9 Ed Ruscha Chart | Auctions *1937 (80) US 9 ± 0 9 23365.69 + -4213.80 10 Lawrence Weiner Chart | Auctions *1942 (75) US 10 ± 0 10 23348.24 + -3604.47 11 Sigmar Polke Chart | Auctions 1941-2010 DE 11 ± 0 11 22172.62 + -3326.26 12 Thomas Ruff Chart | Auctions *1958 (59) DE 12 + 1 13 21716.12 + -3310.85 13 Robert Rauschenberg Chart | Auctions 1925-2008 US 13 – 1 12 21409.47 + -3880.51 14 Louise Bourgeois Chart | Auctions 1911-2010 FR 14 ± 0 14 20842.77 + -3553.23 15 Georg Baselitz Chart | Auctions *1938 (79) DE 15 ± 0 15 20503.72 + -3613.91 16 Erwin Wurm Chart | Auctions *1954 (63) AT 16 + 3 19 19757.01 + -2089.57 17 Francis Alys Chart | Auctions *1959 (58) BE 17 ± 0 17 19633.73 + -2898.13 18 Rosemarie Trockel Chart | Auctions *1952 (65) DE 18 – 2 16 19485.56 + -3126.34 19 Man Ray Chart | Auctions 1890-1976 US 19 – 1 18 18617.11 + -3549.18 20 Marcel Broodthaers Chart | Auctions 1924-1976 BE 20 + 1 21 18350.35 + -2972.17 21 William Kentridge Chart | Auctions *1955 (62) ZA 21 – 1 20 18277.52 + -3277.63 22 Wolfgang Tillmans Chart | Auctions *1968 (49) DE 22 + 7 29 17913.67 + -1886.89 23 Dieter Roth Chart | Auctions 1930-1998 DE 23 – 1 22 17707.32 + -3115.53 24 Marcel Duchamp Chart | Auctions 1887-1968 FR 24 – 1 23 17595.80 + -3157.19 25 Weiwei Ai Chart | Auctions *1957 (60) CN 25 ± 0 25 17542.43 + -2563.79 26 Harun Farocki Chart | Auctions 1944-2014 CZ 26 ± 0 26 17488.91 + -2584.73 27 Franz West Chart | Auctions 1947-2012 AT 27 ± 0 27 17277.51 + -2670.76 28 Roy Lichtenstein Chart | Auctions 1923-1997 US 28 – 4 24 17121.65 + -3286.36 29 Mike Kelley Chart | Auctions 1954-2012 US 29 – 1 28 16695.20 + -3242.07 30 Paul Klee Chart | Auctions 1879-1940 DE 30 + 1 31 16612.49 + -2776.34 31 Richard Serra Chart | Auctions *1939 (78) US 31 – 1 30 16600.56 + -2911.56 32 Fischli & Weiss Chart | Auctions 1979-2012 32 ± 0 32 16197.39 + -2851.28 33 Olafur Eliasson Chart | Auctions *1967 (50) DK 33 + 5 38 16153.07 + -2157.89 34 Hans-Peter Feldmann Chart | Auctions *1941 (76) DE 34 ± 0 34 15999.43 + -2661.06 35 Yayoi Kusama Chart | Auctions *1929 (88) JP 35 + 1 36 15965.92 + -2528.09 36 Douglas Gordon Chart | Auctions *1966 (51) UK 36 – 1 35 15688.55 + -2831.54 37 Martin Kippenberger Chart | Auctions 1953-1997 DE 37 – 4 33 15519.99 + -3292.30 38 Christian Marclay Chart | Auctions *1955 (62) US 38 – 1 37 15491.33 + -2845.60 39 Mona Hatoum Chart | Auctions *1952 (65) LB 39 + 1 40 15464.69 + -2611.19 40 Marina Abramovic Chart | Auctions *1946 (71) RS 40 + 1 41 15313.22 + -2687.27 41 Valie Export Chart | Auctions *1940 (77) AT 41 + 1 42 15220.45 + -2706.16 42 Carl Andre Chart | Auctions *1935 (82) US 42 + 2 44 15118.08 + -2598.63 43 Felix Gonzalez-Torres Chart | Auctions 1957-1996 CU 43 + 4 47 15108.45 + -2389.94 44 Arnulf Rainer Chart | Auctions *1929 (88) AT 44 + 4 48 15010.76 + -2486.61 45 Damien Hirst Chart | Auctions *1965 (52) UK 45 – 2 43 14983.68 + -2879.14 46 Dan Graham Chart | Auctions *1942 (75) US 46 – 7 39 14900.45 + -3178.54 47 Henri Matisse Chart | Auctions 1869-1954 FR 47 – 1 46 14872.71 + -2698.99 48 Nam June Paik Chart | Auctions 1932-2006 KR 48 – 3 45 14847.33 + -2817.82 49 Heimo Zobernig Chart | Auctions *1958 (59) AT 49 + 3 52 14714.82 + -2398.08 50 Gordon Matta-Clark Chart | Auctions 1943-1978 US 50 + 1 51 14521.56 + -2704.99 51 Thomas Struth Chart | Auctions *1954 (63) DE 51 – 1 50 14505.83 + -2727.94 52 Jasper Johns Chart | Auctions *1930 (87) US 52 – 3 49 14382.93 + -2868.66 53 Nan Goldin Chart | Auctions *1953 (64) US 53 + 5 58 14326.02 + -2304.93 54 Andreas Gursky Chart | Auctions *1955 (62) DE 54 – 1 53 14305.35 + -2589.31 55 David Hockney Chart | Auctions *1937 (80) UK 55 + 5 60 14296.11 + -2135.48 56 Joan Miró Chart | Auctions 1893-1983 ES 56 ± 0 56 14178.91 + -2534.80 57 Max Ernst Chart | Auctions 1891-1976 DE 57 + 2 59 14091.83 + -2480.97 58 Anselm Kiefer Chart | Auctions *1945 (72) DE 58 – 4 54 14016.05 + -2733.36 59 Imi Knoebel Chart | Auctions *1940 (77) DE 59 + 3 62 13987.30 + -2199.13 60 Tacita Dean Chart | Auctions *1965 (52) UK 60 – 3 57 13961.51 + -2693.57 61 Isa Genzken Chart | Auctions *1948 (69) DE 61 + 2 63 13876.81 + -2174.62 62 Alighiero Boëtti Chart | Auctions 1940-1994 IT 62 + 2 64 13856.69 + -2150.73 63 Martha Rosler Chart | Auctions *1943 (74) US 63 – 2 61 13803.22 + -2560.56 64 Paul McCarthy Chart | Auctions *1945 (72) US 64 – 9 55 13723.48 + -2999.74 65 Thomas Schütte Chart | Auctions *1954 (63) DE 65 + 1 66 13719.95 + -2225.55 66 Hiroshi Sugimoto Chart | Auctions *1948 (69) JP 66 + 1 67 13595.39 + -2345.25 67 François Morellet Chart | Auctions 1926-2016 FR 67 – 2 65 13574.95 + -2380.46 68 Lucio Fontana Chart | Auctions 1899-1968 AR 68 ± 0 68 13517.04 + -1933.68 69 Alberto Giacometti Chart | Auctions 1901-1966 CH 69 + 2 71 13461.35 + -1910.55 70 Yoko Ono Chart | Auctions *1933 (84) JP 70 + 4 74 13228.56 + -2013.90 71 Alex Katz Chart | Auctions *1927 (90) US 71 – 1 70 13181.67 + -2239.93 72 Jenny Holzer Chart | Auctions *1950 (67) US 72 + 1 73 13115.41 + -2196.62 73 Claes Oldenburg Chart | Auctions *1929 (88) SE 73 – 4 69 13014.38 + -2423.70 74 Josef Albers Chart | Auctions 1888-1976 DE 74 + 2 76 12985.39 + -2139.35 75 Robert Mapplethorpe Chart | Auctions 1946-1989 US 75 + 2 77 12949.47 + -2172.43 76 Anri Sala Chart | Auctions *1974 (43) AL 76 + 8 84 12943.67 + -1729.08 77 Gabriel Orozco Chart | Auctions *1962 (55) MX 77 – 5 72 12875.25 + -2437.46 78 Tony Cragg Chart | Auctions *1949 (68) UK 78 + 11 89 12698.26 + -1564.56 79 Jeff Koons Chart | Auctions *1955 (62) US 79 ± 0 79 12610.47 + -2200.38 80 Gilbert & George Chart | Auctions * () 80 – 5 75 12583.99 + -2555.13 81 Donald Judd Chart | Auctions 1928-1994 US 81 – 3 78 12536.66 + -2348.68 82 Daniel Buren Chart | Auctions *1938 (79) FR 82 + 3 85 12513.36 + -2059.34 83 Günther Uecker Chart | Auctions *1930 (87) DE 83 + 7 90 12506.32 + -1602.15 84 Wassily Kandinsky Chart | Auctions 1866-1944 RU 84 – 3 81 12481.20 + -2304.56 85 Cy Twombly Chart | Auctions 1928-2011 US 85 – 5 80 12425.35 + -2361.58 86 Richard Prince Chart | Auctions *1949 (68) US 86 – 3 83 12358.20 + -2373.04 87 Rodney Graham Chart | Auctions *1949 (68) CA 87 – 5 82 12349.04 + -2395.15 88 Antoni Tàpies Chart | Auctions 1923-2012 ES 88 ± 0 88 12307.20 + -2038.70 89 Louise Lawler Chart | Auctions *1947 (70) US 89 + 18 107 12226.11 + -1103.25 90 Christian Boltanski Chart | Auctions *1944 (73) FR 90 – 4 86 12124.26 + -2371.05 91 Kiki Smith Chart | Auctions *1954 (63) US 91 + 1 92 12035.40 + -1896.73 92 Sherrie Levine Chart | Auctions *1947 (70) US 92 + 5 97 11847.35 + -1790.96 93 Jonathan Monk Chart | Auctions *1969 (48) UK 93 – 6 87 11822.36 + -2542.31 94 Jimmie Durham Chart | Auctions *1940 (77) US 94 + 18 112 11684.85 + -1505.35 95 Richard Long Chart | Auctions *1945 (72) UK 95 – 2 93 11662.31 + -2268.82 96 Ellsworth Kelly Chart | Auctions 1923-2015 US 96 + 14 110 11631.31 + -1624.31 97 Vik Muniz Chart | Auctions *1961 (56) BR 97 – 6 91 11604.58 + -2393.22 98 Candida Höfer Chart | Auctions *1944 (73) DE 98 – 4 94 11591.93 + -2147.87 99 Liam Gillick Chart | Auctions *1964 (53) UK 99 + 1 100 11572.52 + -1969.46 100 Rirkrit Tiravanija Chart | Auctions *1961 (56) AR 100 – 4 96 11552.30 + -2115.93