Martin Maeller
blank 20. Februar - 20. März 2017 (c) all images copyright and courtesy of the artist zqm is pleased to present a solo-show of Martin Maeller titled blank. For the exhibition, the artist developed a installation of two different works, which activates metaphorical approaches. The visualised, reduced gestures and perspectives are searching for essential transformation processes and converting into fundamental questions. Starting from a deep-drawn trilobite fossil in a PMMA-plate, the shape of the fossil is morphed through modelling clay, sticking on steely bars. It creates a aggressive tension, which concentrates on the sensuous qualities and the mutual simultaneousness of the material and the immaterial. Martin Maeller explores human existence and spirituality through elaborate objects and installations. With a particular focus on detail and a skilful combination of materials, his work is a negotiation between presence and transcendence. / Weitere Infos auf martinmaeller.com |