logo zwanzigquadratmeter, Projektraum, Berlin

Franziska Baumgartner


mai 7th - june 1st 2018

zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
zqm Franziska Baumgartner spots
(c) Franziska Baumgartner 2018/ photography (c) Mina Monsef 2018
Basel based artist Franziska Baumgartner (*1987) works bulky, fragile materials into temporary, site-specific and space-encompassing installations. As investigator of material properties, she puts a special focus on ever-changing material states that deny the artist full control over the artwork while generating moments of dissolution, deformation and alienation.

zqm/info(at)zqmberlin.org impressum/(c)zwanzigquadratmeter 2024